Part 14 -wedding planning

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Astrid, Ruffnut and Y/n were having a girls shopping day at the markets to get stuff for the wedding, they had been there for a few goirs and got pretty much everything they need.
"Okay guys we nearly have everything, let's get the final few things and head back," Astrid said since the sun was beginning to set.
The only thing Y/n needed was a gift for Hiccup, but she had no clue what to get him, she desided to get materials to make him a leather bracelet with their initials and a small engagement of a night fury. Y/n knew this was the perfect gift.

Back on Berk, Hiccup was in the same predicament, he knew he wanted to make Y/n something but nothing seemed good enough.
"Hiccup I'm sure she will love whatever you make her," Fishlegs said trying to encourage his friend.
"Yeah she's so madly in love she won't even notice anyway!" Snotlout said with an eye roll, eating a glare from the other two boys and even Tuffnut.
"Come on man even I know it's bad to be jealous of a guy that's getting married!" Tuffnut said with a sigh.
Snotlout just rolled his eyes and walked away, wedding stuff was booringgggg.

In the Haddock household, the parents of the bride and groom (+ Gobber) were all finally meeting each other and getting on great! The L/n's had came on Freya's deadly nadder, leaving Arok in charge of The Hidden World, after all the dragons did need someone to make sure everything went smoothly.
"Our son is so lucky to have met a girl like Y/n" Valka spoke.
"And our daughter is the luckiest girl alive to have found Hiccup," Freya said with a warm smile.
The ladies stayed in the house to keep having a chat whilst the guys went to see what was going on around the island and how the wedding was going, the wedding was set to happen in 3 days, on Snoggletog!


Everyone was sitting at the table at the back of the Great Hall, all in light conversation.
Hiccup and Y/n sat at the top end of table with their families.
"So guys what's the big day gonna be like," Stoick asked,
"Well we were going to have the ceremony about noon to give the kids time to open their Snoggletog presents and then after the ceremony we were just going to have a massive party to celebrate in the Great Hall, of course all the dragons will be away to have their babies go sadly the dragons won't be at the reception but it will still be a great day!" Hiccup said with glee, taking Y/n's hand in his.
"Have yous worked out what yous will do after the wedding?," Edgar asked
"What do you mean?" His daughter replied.
"Well Y/n you are The Chosen One, The Hidden World will most likely need you and Hiccup, you are the chief here."
"Way to ruin the mood dad, I didn't even think of that!" And with that Y/n stormed off, Hiccup following in suit, the dragons saw what was happening and also rushed over.
They were all back at the Haddock household when Y/n let out her anger.
"Why didn't I think of this! Hiccup I'm so so sorry," she said as she paced the room, small sparks coming off her hands.
Hiccup stoped her, holding her wrists and pulling her close to him,
"Y/n, it's okay I have worked all that out now please calm down before you send literally lighting bolts through the inside of my home," he said with a chuckle, Hiccup always knew  what to say to calm Y/n down. They really were a match made in Valhalla.
"Oh right sorry, you're right I just over reacted, it's simple really, we can just stay here and my parents will stay in The Hidden World, protecting the dragons if they need to, I can just go over once a week or something to check up on everyone, it's not a long flight anyway and when the day comes that my parents leave this world we might just need to move over there." Y/n said
"Oh I hadn't got to that part, like what we do in 19 years or whatever, maybe we should talk to Astrid about her being stand in Cheiftess and we will do the opposite and stay in The Hidden World and visit Berk once a week?" Hiccup formed a great plan.
"Yes! Hiccup I don't know what I would do without you!" Y/n exclaimed as she hugged him.
Soon after the dragons came bounding over to them, they stayed outside until the moment was over, wanting to give their humans some space.
'Y/n you should go back and apologise for the way you acted, your dad was only trying to prepare you,' Crystal spoke like a mother softly telling off her child
'Yes I agree and could you please tell Hiccup we are away for the the hatchings so he doesn't worry about us,' toothless also spoke to Y/n.
"You's are right and yes of course I'll tell him now off yous go, yous don't want to keep everyone waiting," Y/n said and with that the dragons left.
"Y/n this is so confusing not knowing what's going on, what did they say?"Hiccup asked softly
"Oh just that I've to apologise and they're away for hatchling season" Y/n replied calmly.
"Wait does that mean baby night and light furies?!" Hiccup exclaimed.
"Oh my Thor, it does!" Y/n exclaimed as they both jump up and down and geeked out about what the night and light furies would look like, in The Hidden World there had never been a cross between the 2!

They began the walk back to the Great hall, still excited that their dragons may come back with babies of their own.
"Hmm that does explain why Crystal's been so moody lately, I thought I had done something wrong!" Y/n said with a giggle.
"Oh well what can I say woman are difficult," Hoccup said, earning a elbow to the side from Y/n
"I'm not!"
"Well whatever you say..."

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