Part 13 - A Simple Defeat

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It had been a week since Y/n and Hiccup desided to get married but only the gang, Gobber and Valka knew. Gobber could not shut his mouth with all the 'I told you so's' he was giving to Hiccup and Y/n couldn't help but laugh at the start but it was getting really annoying now. Not many people knew because the fight with Grimmel was sure to happen soon and they didn't want to get the village in a celebratory mood yet. Preparations for war had begun, everyone unable to fight had been taken to Winglaw island since Alcia was more than happy to accommodate them all and the people who could stay and fight had been doing a lot more training than they had in a while, it was safe to say buisness was booming at the blacksmith's!

Hiccup had been catching up on all the chiefly duties that he had missed and Y/n was by his side by it all, trying to keep him as calm as possible when it got tougher, there was a lot of preparing to do since they didn't know what the war with Grimmel would be like and if it was anything like the last one they had to be very prepared. Y/n had been getting her fighting skills top notch by training with Astrid who she now considered her best friend, that brings us to now.
"So Y/n how's it been being 'The Chosen One'?" Astrid questioned as they took a break from hand-to-hand combat.
"It's actually been alright, I guess not much has changed except for understand dragons, I still get a jump scare anytime they talk to me!" Y/n said with a chuckle. As if on que Crystal came in, very obviously panicked 'Y/n! You need to come to the docks right now, Grimmel is here with a fleet of around 20 ships! People are already in battle and no one can find Hiccup!" The worried dragon said as she ran over to her now panicked owner.
"Astrid call for Stormfly and go help the village, Grimmel is here with at least 20 ships! I need to go find Hiccup, he's went missing!" Y/n said as she got onto Crystal, flying away at the speed of light before Astrid could ever work out what was going on.

"HICCUP!" Y/n screamed as her and Crystal sparked over the island and the ones near by, she couldn't find Hiccup or Toothless anywhere.
"Come on girl we need to land and search on foot, let's head to the cove to see if they're there," she said to her dragon with distress evident in her voice.
'Okay I'll go round the back so no one spots us' Crystal said as they raced to the back of the island.
After a long treck through the forest they finally reached the cove, seeing Toothless and Hiccup sitting by the pond in the middle. Something was wrong.
"Hiccup what's wrong?" Y/n asked as she sat beside her love.
"Y/n I just miss him so much..."
Y/n didn't have to ask to know who Hiccup was talking about, he was grieving his father.
"Hiccup he is always with you, in your heart and he will be so so proud of everything you have become," she said as she hugged her fiancé, resting her palm on the back of his head as he sobbed into her shoulders. They stayed like this for a while before Y/n desided it was time to speak up about the current situation.
"Hiccup Grimmel is here and a war is in action, if you don't want to fight you don't have to, you will be save her with Toothless. I will need to go to get the plan in action and I'm so sorry about that but you are welcome to come or to stay, it won't make you any less of a Viking."
"No I'm not staying, I'll kill that son of a bitch for what he's done to you!"
Before Y/n could react Hoccup and Toothless shot off, Toothless sent a worried look towards the girls but done what was asked of him.
"Come on girl we need to catch up to them before Hoccup does something he will regret!" And with that the girls shot off too.

"Hiccup slow down you are not thinking clearly, if you kill him the guilt will eat you alive!" Y/n shouted over the harsh winds as she reached Toothless' side.
"No it won't, he hurt you Y/n he needs to pay for that!" Hiccup shouted back.
"Hiccup please..." Y/n said with a defeated sigh, Hiccup couldn't stand seeing her looking at him either pleading eyes, he knew she was right.
"Okay you're right, sorry I don't know what got into me. Let's stick to the plan," he sulked, full of guilt already.
"Don't worry about it, you were angry and I understand that but don't take that anger out on the battlefield or you will regret it later, if we stick to the plan it should go right."

Hiccup and Y/n were nearing the docks and Saw Grimmel standing on a boat, 2 death grippers in front, 2 behind and 1 on either side of him, that was going to be tricky if this whole mind control thing didn't work.
Y/n and Hiccup flew down to Grimmels ship, dodging all the arrows and nets flung at them. They landed successfully.
"Grimmel we can do this the easy way, or the hard way, It's your choice!" Y/n yelled from the front of the ship.
"Hmmm how about the hard way!" Grimmel replied with a smirk, sending all his dragons to attack but Y/n stared at them and repeated the phrase 'Non me læsistis, neque eum qui assistit mecum. Imperium sum,' in her head and it seemed to work, all the dragons stopped and stood by her, leaving Grimmel shocked.
"H-how did you? No you can't be... you are Thw chosen One?" He said more to himself.
"Yes, I am and you are now defenceless, your dragons are under my control now and once you leave they will be set free but as of right now, no dragon on Berk will hesitate to kill you, not even for a second," Y/n spoke with pure confidence and Grimmel knew he had met his match. As she finished talking hundreds, if not thousands of dragons flew up behind her, ready to strike. Y/n stared into Grimmels cold eyes, eyes that were now laced with fear,
"relinques et non redibis, abditi immemores mundi et Berk. Incipies amare dracones et non iterum nocere alteri," with Y/n's last words, her Hiccup, their dragons and the death grippers all flew off the boat and to Berk, where luckily no one was killed, well no Berkians anyway. Grimmel sailed away, his surviving men retreating as he went. Berk had won.

Another chapter over! We are starting to get to the end of this book so I need ideas for another one, maybe a sequel to 'the forgotten'?

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