Part 3 - Heading Home

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It had been around 2 weeks since Y/n came to Berk and in the time she had been here she got to know the people quite well. At first it was overwhelming as everyone asked her a lot of questions about her and The Hidden World, she gathered word spread fast on the small island, after a while the questions died down and it was quite a relaxing place to be. She would have to go home soon as her parents would begin to get worried since usually she was only away for a week or so if she didn't tell them she was leaving. In the time she had been at Berk she had got close to Hiccup and his gang of friends, there was the twins - Ruffnut and Tuffnut, Snotlout, Fishlegs, Astrid and of course Hiccup. Out of them all Hiccup was the one she had grown closest to and she couldn't help but want to spend more time with him but with him being the chief that was quite hard, today was not one of those days though and they sat on a cliff overlooking Berk, just being in comfortable silence as their dragons lay lazily in the sun behind them. Y/n finally brought up the courage to ask about Hiccups past breaking the silence, "So Hiccup, sorry this is a bit random but erm how did you manage to find Toothless?" she questioned with slight apprehension, "Oh no need to apologies. As you know Berk was at war with dragons for years and I was pretty much the village runt for the first 15 years of my life, so one night when there was a raid I went and got the bowla launcher I had made and thought if I could kill a dragon it would solve all my problems. I saw a night fury fly at the cliff I was on and I launched the bowla, catching the dragon. However when I went to kill him I just couldn't. I looked at him and I saw myself and we've been best buds ever since, haven't we bud," he finished as Toothless came over, comforting Hiccup by laying his head in his lap. Y/n could tell Hiccup felt guilty for what he had done but she knew he didn't really need to, "Listen Hiccup, you have no reason to feel guilty for what you done, by shooting down Toothless you saved 100s of dragons lives, including his. At the time of you shooting him down war was all you knew but you changed that. You changed Berk for the better," she said softly, scooting closer and wrapping her arm round Hiccups shoulder, his face went red at the action but he sound melted into her touch. Y/n knew the past year hadn't been easy for Hiccup, he had already told her the story of the war with Drago and she knew he must have been needing someone to comfort him for a while. Hiccup trusted the lively girl straight away, he just didn't know why. Even though she had only been on Berk for 2 weeks Y/n and Hiccup were extremely close and thrived in each others company. Y/n found herself lost in her own thoughts, Hiccup spoke breaking her out of them, "So how did you meet Crystal?" he asked, "Its quite a simple story really, my mothers dragon was Crystals mother and she sadly passed away when Crystal was just a few weeks old, I'm not sure how she died but I know it was very hard on my mother, she raised me and crystal along side each other with my father helping her as I was also just a few weeks old. We've been together our whole lives. Living in The Hidden World meant I had no friends growing up and I only had the company of my parents and the dragons, Crystal was my best friend growing up and she always will be," Y/n said stroking crystal's scales as she rested her head in the girl's lap. "speaking of my home I really should get back, my parents are probably worried," she continued as she stood up. She was going to go into the village and say her goodbyes, "How about I come with you?" Hiccup spoke with uncertainty "Erm sure, but just a warning we might fly all the way there and the dragons don't let you in, of course having a night fury trust you will help but I'm still not sure and well I will need to explain a lot to my parents and I'm not sure how they will react erm-" Y/n paused as Hiccup cut her off "Look if you don't want me to come just say that," he said with a sad expression "No Hiccup I really do, you go organise stuff with Valka and Gobber so you can leave and I'll go explain to the gang what's going on. I'm sure Astrid will keep hem from killing each other" Y/n said with a giggle, referring to the last statement. "Okay will do!" Hiccup exclaimed with joy as he jumped onto Toothless and they shot off. This was going to be fun

They flew for a few hours and then Y/n spotted the enterence to her home "wow," was all Hiccup could get out as he saw the waterfall in the middle of the ocean, "Breathtaking isn't it," Y/n said as they started to get closer. She wasn't sure how this was going to go, I mean sure once the dragons see that Y/n isn't in danger they should trust Hiccup enough to at least let him into their home but her parents were a different story. They had major trust issues and already kind of like despised Berk because of its past. Y/n was planning out what she was going to say to them and she began to get more nervous as they entered the waterfall "here goes nothing," she said to herself with a sigh.

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