part 5 - feelings.

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They walked into the cave, it was quite bright and easy to see in. Coming around the corner and seeing what was in the cave caused Hiccup to freeze, there was a group of around a dozen light and night furies all just lying around lazily. He was in so much shock. Hiccup thought Toothless and Crystal were the last ones. At the sound of the group entering a few furies got up and came over to them, well Y/n. "Guys this is Hiccup, the boy I told you about," After Y/n had spoken the furies that were at her came over to Hiccup, he stretched out his hand to the biggest one, a night fury with yellow eyes, and once he had put his snout in Hiccups hand the boy bowed, showing respect and that they could trust him and soon they did. Toothless went over and played about with the group of furies along with crystal, by this point Arok had left and Hiccup and Y/n were sitting against the wall just watching the furies play, it was so nice to see Toothless interact with other night furies Hiccup thought to himself.

They sat just watching for awhile before deciding to leave, Crystal and Toothless stayed behind with the furies, knowing that their humans would be alright in the safety of The Hidden world. It was getting kind of late so Y/n took Hiccup back to her home. When they entered her mother and father had food waiting for them, "Sorry if its cold kids, its been ready a while" Edgar said without looking up from the book he was reading. "okay, thanks dad," Y/n said picking up a plate of food and gesturing for Hiccup to take the other, the then went and sat by the fire, placing the plates of fish on a metal sheet that was above the fire, metal legs holding it there. While the food was reheating Y/n went to get her and Hiccup some water from the stream behind the cave, leaving Hiccup alone with her parents. "Hiccup, our daughter trusts you so we do as well but I see the way she looks at you, its more than friendship and I see you looking back at her with the same feelings. Please protect her when we can't and if she wants to leave here and live on Berk, promise me you will make sure she comes back and visits her home. Make the first move and make our little girl happy," Freya spoke, Hiccup didn't know what to say and was left in deathning silence for a while. All he could say was "Thank you for trusting me with her, I promise I will." and with that Y/n came back in, Toothless and Crystal following in suit, "These two must have decided to come back," she said, motioning to the dragons behind her before realising the heavy atmosphere "Erm is everything okay?" she questioned as she took the plates off the metal heating plate, making sure to use an old shirt so she didn't burn herself. "Yep everything's good here we were just having a word with Hiccup" Y/n's father said, again not looking up from his book, Y/n noticed this and asked what book he was reading as she sat down beside Hiccup, handing him a plate of food. "Oh its just a book on tribe symbols. While I was out patrolling the outside of The Hidden World yesterday I saw a boat looking around for something and it was getting a bit too close so me and Arok made sure it wouldn't try come back. I was just wondering where the boat came from but it seems to be from a place I haven't heard of, and upon further research I found out the captain of said boat is some one named 'Grimmel The Grisly', in fact could yous go over to Winglaw Island tomorrow morning to see if they know of him" Y/n's dad said calmly, probably calmer than he should have been. Y/n and Hiccup agreed to fly over tomorrow and see if Alcia knew anything about this Grimmel guy.

It was the next morning and Hiccup and Y/n were on their way to Winglaw Island to ask Alcia if her or anyone in her tribe had heard of the man from yesterday. They had been flying slowly in a comfortable silence for a while when suddenly Hiccup spoke up rather awkwardly "Erm Y/n this might make things awkward but I really need to tell you this, especially after what your parents were saying to me last night" Hiccup started to ramble but Y/n cut him off "Hiccup its okay just tell me" she said softly, "well Y/n I erm well... I love you Y/n," Y/n was taken aback by hiccup words and she felt tears coming to her eyes "Oh Hiccup you dork! I was wondering how long it would take you to tell me. I love you too Hic!" she said, struggling to contain her excitement "Thank Thor because it would have been really awkward if you didn't, also I love the nickname" Hiccup replied with a chuckle. Y/n asked Crystal to take her closer to Toothless and once she had Y/n got up and walked along Crystals wing carefully as to not hurt the dragon and then she jumped off on to Toothless, landing softly behind Hiccup, putting her arms around his waist and leaning to whisper in his ear "Hiccup Haddock, you have just made me the happiest girl in the World. I love you," she said softly. "I love you too, with all my heart and being," Hiccup replied with a smile plastered on his face. Everything was working out the exact way he wanted it.

After a while of flying on Toothless with Hiccup, Y/n decided she should jump back on to Crystal so the dragon wasn't flying herself the whole time. She shouted crystal over and positioned herself standing on Toothless, proceeding to then jump off on to Crystal who was slightly under and to the side of Toothless. They flew for around another half hour and then Winglaw Island came into view, they dived down towards it. They landed in the center of the village and Y/n spotted Alcia, "Alcia!" she shouted, getting Alcia's attention. They walked towards each other, Hiccup and the dragons at Y/n's side. "Hi Y/n, oh and Hiccup nice to see you, I knew yous two would get along well!" Alcia greeted while Hiccup looked confused, Y/n noticed this and explained how Alcia was the one who told her about how Hiccup was the dragon master and so on. They headed to Alcia's hut and once they had caught up Y/n asked the question they were here to ask "So Alcia, do you know of anyone named 'Grimmel The Grisly', his people were looking for something near the entrance to my home" At the mention of the mans name all colour drained from Alcia's face. "Y/n, Hiccup, if he is looking for the Hidden World you need to go back and tell your parents to set up defensive forces right now! I will get my best warriors to fly out with you, Grimmel is a very dangerous man!" Y/n and Hiccup didn't even ask any questions, they just saddled up and headed back to The Hidden World. This was going to be a long day.



Okay so I wasn't really going to include the whole 'love thing yet but I desided it had to be done because of what is to come, sorry its so soon into the story

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