Part 12 - Back to berk

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It had been a week since Y/n discovered that she is 'The chosen One' and things were going really well! She had completely mastered the lighting type powers that came from her hands and she was just still working on the mind control, this was how they were going to beat Grimmel so she really needed to perfect it. Hiccup had been helping her the past week, so had her parents and of course the dragons. It was amazing being able to understand them and know what was going on in their heads, but at the same time it all took a lot of strenth. After the loss of Quarts Y/n really didn't want to involve any more dragons in her fight with Grimmel but the dragons genuinely wanted to help out, especially the furies.

Sitting in the furies cave, Y/n tried to explain to them that it was far too dangerous for them to join the war that was most likely to come, "Guys please listen to me this is so dangerous and I couldn't live with myself if anything was to happen to any of you" she said for like the millionth time 'Y/n we know its dangerous but we want to help!' One of the bigger nightfuries shouted, to Hiccup this just sounded like a really loud roar, "Toothless, bud are you not meant to be the alpha, go help Y/n please," He said as he rubbed his temples, all the arguing and roaring was starting to give him a headache. Toothless walked over to help Y/n 'Guys settle down! Y/n is your queen, you need to listen to her decision, she knows what is best for you!' Toothless roared as he stood beside Y/n, the furies all seemed to quiet down after that, "Thank you Toothless," Y/n said as she stroked the dragon on his head, she now had Toothless at one side and Crystal at the other, all that was going through Hiccups head was how badass his girlfriend looked. Hiccup admired the way Y/n was with dragons so much, she really did deserve to be the guardian. "Okay guys I am not trying to be mean or anything I just care about yous and right now I think it is best if yous all stay hidden, Grimmel only knows of Toothless and Crystal and I don't want him trying to get to yous. Please respect my decision," Y/n said with a sigh, they had been at this for like an hour. 'You are our queen and we will respect any decision you make. it is just that this will be a big fight and we want to help,' a smaller light fury said as she walked though the crowd to Y/n, placing her snout into her hand. "Thank you for your support, I understand where yous are coming from but at the moment it is just too dangerous. Sorry," Y/n said as she petted the light fury's head, earning a purr in response.
Hiccup couldn't help but stare in admiration at his loving girlfriend, the love she had for dragons was so pure.
"Hey love bird what ya staring at?" Y/n said with a giggle. "Er nothing em you are just s-so amazing," Hiccup said, blush plastered all over his face.
"Aw I could say the same about you," Y/n said as she walked back to him, wrapping him in a hug.

After Y/n explained to Hiccup what the conversation with the furies was they went back to the cave to tell her parents they were heading back to Berk to plan their 'attack' on Grimmel. They were going to use mind control to get him to free the dragons and hopefully there would be minimal bloodshed, Hiccup had been helping Y/n perfect her mind control abilities by being her 'test dummy' and she had pretty much got them down to a T, along with her lightning strike powers! She really was made to be the chosen one.

After a short flight, Y/n and Hiccup landed on Berk and went to see how everything was going. They found the gang, along with Valka, all talking over lunch in the great hall. "Hi guys!" Y/n exclaimed as she walked over to them. Everyone said their hellos and Hiccup and Y/n sat down and joined in conversation "So guys hows it been while we were at The Hidden World?" Hiccup asked, he wouldn't admit it but he was kinda nervous about how long he had been away, you know with being chief and stuff. "Its all been smooth sailing here, couple trading disagreements and stuff but that's pretty much it!" Valka chimed in, easing her sons worry, after that they just held a light conversation for a while before Gobber came to get Hiccup because they needed a 'talk', "eww someone's in troubleee!" Snotlout teased, earning a kick under the table from Y/n and a deathly glare from Hiccup. Gods the boy always had to get his word in!

Gobber and Hiccup stood at the back of the blacksmiths, ready for a big talk. "So, Whats the issue Gobber?" Hiccup questioned, trying to sound as mature as possible. "Less of the act boy, its just about you and Y/n," Gobber said with a chuckle, heavily placing his hands on Hiccups shoulders, "So when yah' thinking of gettin' married?" Hiccup felt his face go bright red at Gobber's words, "Gobber! We have known each other for like 6 months! I don't even know if Y/n wants to get married!" He said with a defeated sigh, he definitely wanted to, but did Y/n? "Oh, don't kid yerself on son. I've seen the way yous look at each other, its the same way your mother and father did. Its true love," Hiccup felt his heart flicker at Gobbers words, if him and Y/n were the same as his mother and father then everything would be okay. Little did the boys know Y/n had left the Great Hall and heard most of their conversation, she hid around the corner until Gobber walked away and Hiccup walked into the back of the blacksmith's, she then walked in, "Hiccup I would love to get married," she said as she walked towards him, "I have wanted to marry you since the day we met. Hiccup you are my soulmate and I could never love another person the way I love you, you are my everything," she continued, pulling Hiccup in for a kiss, Hiccup spoke up as they parted "Y/n I feel the exact same way. I have loved you since the moment I layed eyes on you, the moment you walked into the great hall with Fishlegs I knew you would be the most amazing, kind hearted person in the whole world. Would you do me the honer and make me the luckiest viking alive? Y/n L/n would you be my wife?" he said, getting down on one knee. "Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the III, of course I would!" and with that she also leant down closer to the ground and pulled her now fiancé into a passionate kiss. This moment was one they would both remember for eternity.



Im not too sure if I liked the way this chapter turned out but let me know your opin ions in the comments

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