Chapter 1.4 - Phantom Traveler

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I was fast asleep when I heard the motel door open. I opened my eyes a bit to see Dean in the other bed. Then I realized I was in a bed, when I had fallen asleep on the couch. I then looked around the bed to see Sam was missing, so then I decided it was Sam at the door. As I turned to look, I saw Sam entering, carrying coffee and pastries.

"Morning, sunshines." Sam said.

"What time is it?" Dean asked.

"Uh, it's about five forty-five." Sam said.

"In the morning?" I asked.

"Yep." Sam said.

"Where does the day go?" Dean said as he sat up.

"No." I said and closed my eyes. Then I smelled a chocolate croissant under my nose and I opened my eyes to glare at Sam, who had an innocent smile.

"One, you are evil, two why must you both move me in my sleep. I'm fine on the couch." I said.

"No, you were in some weird position and I don't know how you didn't break your neck." Sam said.

"At least then I would still be asleep." I said and grabbed the food and coffee.

"Did you get any sleep last night?" Dean asked Sam.

"Yeah, I grabbed a couple hours." Sam said.

"Liar. 'Cause I was up at three, and you were watching a George Foreman infomercial." Dean said.

"Seriously, why do you let me go to sleep at ten if you both go to sleep so late?" I asked.

"Because you're scary if you're tired." Dean said.

"Ok, I see your point." I said and took a large sip of coffee. Then I turned Sam, who had moved a bit.

"Anyways, why are you watching a show past three in the morning?" I asked Sam.

"Hey, what can I say? It's riveting TV." Sam said.

"When was the last time you got a good night's sleep?" Dean asked.

"I don't know, a little while, I guess. It's not a big deal." Sam said.

"Yeah, it is." I said.

"Look, I appreciate your concern..." Sam said before getting cut off by Dean.

"Oh, I'm not concerned about you. It's your job to keep my ass alive, so I need you sharp." Dean said. Sam shrugged.

"Seriously, are you still having nightmares about Jess?" I asked. Sam crosses the room, sits on the bed, and hands a coffee to Dean.

"Yeah. But it's not just her. It's everything. I just forgot, you know? This job. Man, it gets to you." Sam said.

"You can't let it. You can't bring it home like that." Dean said.

"So, what? All this it... never keeps you up at night?" Sam asked Dean and I. Dean shook his head. I just shrugged.

"Never? You're never afraid?" Sam asked.

"No, not really." Dean said. Sam reached under Dean's pillow and pulled out a large hunting knife and held it up as evidence.

"That's not fear. That is precaution." Dean said.

"I mean, after my parents, I don't want to fear it." I said.

"All right, whatever. I'm too tired to argue." Sam said.

Then Dean's phone rang. He picked it up.

"Hello?" Dean asked.

"Dean, it's, uh, it's Jerry Panowski. You, Ali, and your dad helped me out a couple years back." Jerry said. Sam And I were listening intensely to hear what was going on.

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