A New Friend

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Collei fidgeted with her skirt and bit her nails. It was her first time going to a school since she and Tighnari have always been homeschooled. Well, Tighnari had been to a few schools, but he didn't have the best experience. That's what scared her.

What if my time at school ends up like Tighnari's!? What if I hate it!? 'What if' questions cluttered her mind.

 Her head was spinning and her breath was out of control. She kept tripping over her own feet and messing up her sentences in front of her older brother Tighnari.

"Collei," Tighnari sighed. "Don't be nervous. It's other people's first day here too. Maybe you'll make a friend."

Collei nodded. She was clearly scared, but tried to hide it. As they grew closer to Teyvat High, she lifted her head to see a large three story building with the school's name over an arch. Many windows were going across the walls, giving a way for light to enter the classrooms. Collei's panic grew.

What if my class goes from the first floor to the third floor and I only have five minutes to get there!? Her thought became jumbled, and she started muttering in a quiet panic. Tighnari saw her panic and sighed once more. Her pulled Collei into a hug and rubbed her back lovingly.

"You're going to be okay. You're always free to come see me if there's ever a problem." He let go of her and held her hand as they walked through the front doors. Tighnari and Collei seperated and went to their classes. The worst part of school was the fact that she had to get up, do her hair, eat breakfast, get dressed, and walk to school only to have math as her first class. She found a desk in the back of the classroom in the darkest corner.

A shy looking girl sat at the desk next to her. She fixed her round glasses and fidgeted. Both she and Collei kept looking at each other, and then away. Collei took a deep breath and turned to her.

"First day?" She asked, forcing a smile.

"Yeah. How do you think being a freshman will work for you?" A tiny and cute smile crossed her lips.

"I honestly have no idea. I've never really been to any school. I've always done homeschool." Collei scratched the back of her neck.

"You did homeschool too? I was homeschool in fifth grade." She laughed lightly. The two talked for a while, and grew more and more comfortable with each other. The teacher walked in and quieted the class down.

"Good morning class. My name is Mr. Neuvillette, and I will be your math teacher for the year. I will not have anyone talk in my class unless the assignments need partner work. Do we have an agreement?" The class nodded. "Good. I look forward to helping you this year." As the class continued, Collei couldn't help but think about the conversation she just had. It left her with a genuine smile, and hopes for the next year.

A note was passed to her. It read:
What's your name? She responded with: Collei. The note was returned to her with the name Sucrose. She wrote a note back that said: It's nice to meet you Sucrose. Sucrose wrote back: Bff?, and Collei responded with Absolutely! Sucrose doodled hearts on the note before giving it back to Collei. Her heart was filled with excitement, and a warm fuzzy feeling was growing inside her.

Maybe this year won't be as bad as I thought.

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