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Hi guys! here's the schedule i'm hoping to follow:

Monday-Friday: Two poems a day, maybe more if i'm feel like writing!

Saturday- Four poems if i have the time!

Sunday- Two poems and revising!

I'm a student so honestly it all depends on how my day went at school and if i am busy!
a little about the author:
my favorite color is yellow!
i am a marauders fan!
Regulus Black, Marlene McKinnon, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin Stan!
James Potter kin!
i personally love writing and reading!
sometimes, poems come naturally to me, other times they don't!
i have the cutest dog ever, and i love her so much!
i do competitive dance!
i LOVE LOVE LOVE Taylor Swift!
forever winter stan!
if you ever need someone to talk to, please feel free to reach out to me!!

you are loved!!

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