a/n (a happy one!)

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#128 in poetry! THATS CRAZY!!

i'm a young girl who loves writing, and i'm pleasantly surprised with this!! I feel like jumping around rn LMFAO!!

i just want to say thank you guys. none of this would've happened without your support. even if you just read my stories, i'm still extremely grateful. to those who followed me, voted for my short stories, comment, or do anything with my story, i'm sosososososoososo sosososoosososososo grateful for all of you. i'm so close to tears rn bc how did this even happen? you guys made my dream possible, and i love you guys for that. word can not describe how happy and grateful i am rn.

I took up writing as a hobby. I love love love love love writing and reading. When i write my stories, i write them on paper. I have a white binder filled with loose leaf paper, and that's where i write my stories. It's easier for me to edit and get my ideas down that way! If your starting out i'd definitely recommend that!

For inspirations, for me it was Taylor Swift, Conan Gray, Lana Del Rey, Olivia Rodrigo, Sabrina Carpenter and TV girl! The biggest thanks goes out to them!! (They won't see this but oh well!)

.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.A few updates~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~

I'm typing out all of these stories rn, 12/13/23 (t swizzles b day) and it's taking a while lol.

anyways, i'm on Tick Tock! Go support my videos (if you'd like!) @5amwastedd

I'll probably post these stories from Friday-Monday Morning.

I normally write stories over the weekend, type them on Wednesday, and post them Friday-Monday!

Thank you guys so much!!


I love you all so so so so so so so much!!

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