being a girl

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I don't know when being a girl changed from wearing pink, sparkly dresses to wearing baggy clothes to hide my "Imperfect" body.

I find no joy in my past obsessions. I glance at a discarded barbie doll, thrown into a basket, resting on top of other barbie's. A flood of memories invade my guarded mind. Memories of laying on the cold floor, doll in hand, lost in my vibrant imagination.

Sometimes I look back at those memories of a much simpler time and find myself becoming heartsick. The pit in my stomach grows into a hole as salty tears stream out of my swollen eyes. Then, I remember her laugh, all the joy she had. Through all the tears...I smile.

Through all the pain, growing up, smiling, crying, laughing, screaming, and day dreaming, there is a little girl who is just desperately wanting to stay young forever.

Written by 5amwasted, do not share without permission.

Hey guys! I wrote this during a spring of creativity i had, so it might not be the best! I know its kind of short, but I hope it's still good! Please let me know if it's an improvement from my last couple of poems!
Hopefully you like it! Please let me know if you do!

-5amwasted  <3

(p.s. i write all my stories/poems down on paper, so i can edit it easily, then type it on my phone! I have two other short stories from this writing spur which i will post soon!)

(by soon i mean hopefully tomorrow, or maybe tonight!)

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