Being a Mom

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I can't wait to be a mom. I can't wait to have a mini me running around, so perfect and captivating. My heart would be fulfilled, and all would be well. Only time will tell if this child will grow up to be something great. Time and a mother's intuition, of course.

Then I remember that i'd actually have to be a MOM. Putting my foot down, even if it hurts my child's delicate heart. Lord knows I won't be able to be strict when I see that kid. Constantly worrying about their needs, safety, feelings, and so much more. Giving them everything and giving up your life for them. Only to have them shout directly at you, screaming about you 'ruining' their life because you didn't let them go out with friends, or grounded them for misbehaving.

Then I think about the world we live in. Do I really want to bring a child into a world where grown men can't keep their repugnant thoughts about a 15 year old to themselves? Do I really want to bring a child into a world where men can't be vulnerable? I would be constantly worrying about their future, how everything is going to be like when they are twenty two. Do I want to bring a child into a hateful, unsafe, merciless world? No, I honestly don't.

Hi guys! I understand that this is short but I hope you like it! In no way, shape, or form am I saying that bringing a child into this world is wrong. I just wrote a poem about my own personal feelings. Please don't be offended by this!

Please leave feedback if you can!

I hope you have a great day/ night!


written: 12/9/23
typed: 12/13/23
(taylor swift's b day!)

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