First Date Prt. I: Laughing Matters

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It's a nice day as the sun is shining down onto the city, giving the mood of the city feeling that's going to be a decent day for everybody.

Marcus Weeder is walking alongside with his new girlfriend Stella Loussier. They made their way about to pass by Fruits Crown Parlor, and Marcus turns to Stella and asks, "Since it's early, what would you like to do? Your pick!"

Stella answers as she points to the Parlor, "Can get something for breakfast here?"

Marcus nods his head and said, "Anything for you, m'lady!"

Marcus then walks up to the door of the restaurant while holding hands with Stella. They got to the door, and Marcus opens the door and holds it for Stella to walk in first.

"After you, Stella! Ladies first!" Marcus said to her, as she walks in first and smiled to his gentleman manner.

"Thank you, Marc!" She said, as she walks in. After Marcus closed the door and catches up to her, Stella then leans her head onto his shoulder.

Marcus and his partner walks up for the guest desk, and orders a table for both of them. But before he orders the table, a voice calls out, "Hey, Marc!"

Marcus turns, and sees that it's Kenji, and Meer Campbell is along with him, waving at Marcus and Stella.

Kenji approaches Marcus and Stella, and Marcus replied, "Fancy seeing you here, Ken!"

Kenji and Marcus did a handshake and pulls each other in for a brotherly embrace. Marcus asks Kenji, "You and Meer are hanging out?"

Stella implies, "They're dating!"

Marcus looks at Kenji and said with a surprised look, "Dude, you got yourself a girlfriend?!"

"Yup! You can say that me and Meer are in relationship since last week! And a funny thing is we haven't dated yet, until today!" Kenji answered.

Marcus gave him a congratulations and told him that he and Stella are together as well. Kenji smiled and said, "Congrats, man!"

"Thanks!" Marcus replied, as Meer walks up to them and asked, "You two want to share a table with us? We're sitting next to the window!"

Marcus looks at Stella and asks, "What do you prefer? Us two sitting together? Or sitting with Meer and Kenji! Your call!"

Stella smiles, and then answered, "I'd loved to sit with Meer and Ken, so we can make it like a double date!"

Marcus then said, "If that's what you want to do, I am down with whatever you want!"

"Oh, Marc! You're such a sweet guy!"

Ken teases Marcus, "Your such a gentleman to her! You are lucky to have a girl like her!"

Meer walks over, and heard Kenji's joking with his friend. Marcus teases back to Ken, "But Meer's just as beautiful as Stella! Don't count your girl out!"

Meer smiled. "Aw, you're so sweet, Marcus! Thank you!"

Kenji looks back to her and and jumped. But he then regain his composure and said, "You startled me, Meer!"

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