After Battle + The Resurrection of Old Adversaries

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After the festival ended, people makes their way to the exit before heading homes or onto doing something else before the day ends.

Marcus Weeder, along with his friends Ludomir and Kenji Aoki, were greeted by people as heroes on fighting the monster that terrorized the festival goers. But Marcus humbly explains that the Sailor Senshi did their part and shouldn't 'be counted out' because of them fighting the monster and saved innocent lives.

Usagi and her friends walks alongside with the three boys. Rei turns to Marcus and said, "You done good today, helping us put the monster in his place. And thank you boys so much for helping us on keeping the people save! You guys sure did gave that monster a butt whoopin!"

Marcus is walking with Stella, as she wraps her arms around his one arm and hold his hand. He turns to Rei and replied, "Yeah! But hey, you ladies done more for the world before we became friends, and certainly before me and my family moved here from the United States!"

"True! You right on that!" Ami agreed, as Hotaru walks up to Marcus and said, "But you turned out to be a very good friend to us! And You've been one heck of a fighter against evil back there! Fighting for love and justice is our thing. But you on the other hand, fought with both, as well for Forgiveness and righteousness!"

Marcus looks down to Hotaru with a smile, and states, "I rather not brag about it! Because when I ever brag about it, it's gonna make me feel like I am being arrogant or self-centered! And I want nothing to do with arrogant, self-righteous and centered people! And I am just a humbled individual that's setting an example on standing for what I believe in, as I said it before!"

"And you have been the best example! As of today, you're a hero! Specially putting the monster in its place!"

Kenji and Meer walks up next to Marcus and Stella, and Kenji said, "And you my friend, is a certified badass! You kicked some serious demonic butt!"

Marcus looks at him with a frown and said, "Uh, you did as well bud! Don't want to count you out for nothing!"

"Well, you saved both me and Ludomir! And you saved Sailor Moon from being killed by that monster! It's obvious that the way I look at the whole ordeal we went through, you proved that you're chosen to become the next Rycerz Prawości!"

"Well, like Ludomir stated, they'll be back! And we have to keep our eyes open for what they'll do next! Ciemna Materia and his minions!" Marcus points out, cautions on being carried away of being heroes after what they endured, only to keep in mind that they'll come out of the shadows to get their vengeance of their defeat.

Marcus, thinking of being vigilant for upcoming troubles from Ciemna Materia, felt something from his shoulder. He turns to see Stella laying her head onto his shoulder, and she smiles up to him, as she tries to hide her worries of what will come ahead of time.

Marcus asks her, "Are you okay, Stella?"

Stella nods her head, "It's just that you worried me that you won't come back from fighting that monster. But, You've shown me that you've protected me, more so than Shinn. And you showed me how brave you are when you stood up for those you cared! You're my hero, Marc! And, thank you for coming back to me!"

Marcus smiled as he nods his head once, and he said to her humbly, "To tell you the truth, Stella! You saved us by giving me reassurance, and helped me back on my feet! You played your part on saving innocent people from harm!"

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