Chapter 4

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(All pictures, products and if I make allusions to anime, series and games do not belong to me)

Marco: A super agile Great Jagras is bad news for us. We need to take it down.

He looks at Jaune.

Marco: Do you think you can do it?

Jaune nods with a look full of confidence.

Jaune: Yes, I can do it.

Marco smiles and pats Jaune on the shoulder.

Marco: All right, then let's get going.

The three of them start walking while Sophia writes something down.

Sophia: Alright partner! A new assignment is here. Take down that Great Jagras.

Jaune smiles in amusement when he hears the pleased tone in Sophia's voice. The three approach the spot where the Great Jagras ate the Kestodons. Marco and Jaune kneel down to take a closer look at the footprint.

Their scoutflies fly around the footprint and appear to be gathering information.

Marco: You probably already know this, but I'll explain it again anyway. In order for the Scoutflies to better track a target monster, we need to keep finding traces of it. Like these footprints, for example.

He gets up and walks towards where the next scoutflies are flying. For a while they collect footprints, scratchmarks and also slime that the monster left behind.

Marco throws a vial to Jaune, who catches the small glass bottle.

Marco: You should collect the slime. The Research Commission will be pleased. You've already found some clues, the flies should now know where the Great Jagras is.

True to his words, the scoutflies fly out of the lantern on Jaune's belt and form a path that the three follow. Meanwhile, Flame keeps collecting plants on the way and puts them in his little bag.

Meanwhile, the Huntsmen are quite surprised by these scoutflies.

Qrow: These critters would be really helpful to us.

The three go through some areas in the Ancient Forest and finally find the Great Jagras in an area with a river. It just walks around, but luckily doesn't see the three of them.

The three sneak closer to the Great Jagras.

Marco: Alright Jaune, show me what you're made of.

Jaune: Yeah.

Jaune's eyes lock onto the beast, ready to engage in a fierce battle. He runs to the Monster with his Katana drawn.

The Great Jagras, sensing the hunter's presence, lets out a thunderous roar, asserting its dominance. It lunges forward, attempting to catch Jaune off guard with its massive jaws. Swiftly, he sidesteps, narrowly avoiding the attack.

Seizing the opportunity, the hunter retaliates with a series of precise strikes, his Katana slicing through the air with incredible speed and precision. The Great Jagras, though formidable, struggles to keep up with the hunter's relentless assault.

The monster lashes out with its tail, attempting to knock Jaune off balance. With quick reflexes, he leaps into the air and lands gracefully on the Great Jagras. Taking advantage of the opening, the hunter delivers a powerful downward strike, slashing through the monster's thick scales.

The Great Jagras throws Jaune off his back, he slides back a few feet but sticks his katana into the ground to stop himself. He looks up and sees the Great Jagras running towards him with his mouth wide open. When the monster catches him, he realizes that he will be gone in one bite and will be digested in the monster's stomach. He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes.

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