Chapter 11

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(All pictures, products and if I make allusions to anime, series and games do not belong to me)

Sophia runs down the tree, breathing heavily and with Flame on her shoulder. The last few moments are really stressful for her. She just watched her partner Jaune jump over the edge of the tree to fight a monster.

She slides down a large branch and jumps onto a vine to slide down it.

With a dull dozen, Sophia lands on the forest floor and runs towards the landing site of the monster and thus Jaune. She breathes heavily and fights her way through the dense undergrowth of the forest.

She really hopes that Jaune is okay, how could someone be so careless?!

She slides over a fallen tree and finally comes to the place where the now dead monster lies. The monster is lying there on the ground and Jaune is standing on it with his hunting knife and looting it.

He sees the handlers and waves to her with a smile.

Jaune: Hey Sophia, I did it.

Immediately several emotions wash over Sophia, at first she seems relieved, then angry, before she begins to cry harder.

Sophia: You idiot!

Jaune, somewhat surprised, jumps down from the monster.

Jaune: What's going on?

But at that moment Sophia slaps Jaune, his head goes to the side and his cheek is red.

Sophia: You're a big, stupid idiot!

Jaune: Sophia...

Sophia: You just jump off the cliff after a monster without paying attention to yourself! What would I have done if you had been hurt or worse...

Jaune now understands what she means and wants to kick his own ass.

Jaune: I'm sorry, Sophia. I promise you that I will never do anything like that again.

Sophia hugs Jaune and looks up at him.

Sophia: Promise?

Jaune smiles and pets her head.

Jaune: Promise!

After a few seconds, Sophia wipes away her tears and smiles.

Sophia: Good, otherwise I would have to hit you again. Let's go to the base camp, there we can send the resources back with a wyvern and rest.

Jaune nods and follows Sophia to the nearest base camp. Once there, Jaune takes off his helmet and stores his resources in a small box, which is picked up by a small wyvern and carried away.

Meanwhile, Sophia has stood by the fire and is making something to eat for the two of them. After a while the two meet at a flat stone that serves as a table and eat there before retreating into the tent together.

The night is skipped for the Huntsman, which most people think is good, as Pyrrha was already grinding her teeth again.

The sun is still quite low when the two leave the tent and stretch.

Jaune: Morning Sophia.

Sophia: *Yawn* Morning Jaune.

Flame climbs onto Jaune's shoulder and meows.

Flame: Meow.

With a chuckle, Jaune pets his friend.

Jaune: Good morning to you too, Flame.

Sophia: I'll quickly cook something for us.

Jaune: Thanks, I'll go sharpen my weapons.

Sophia starts to cook something for the two of them for breakfast. Meanwhile, Jaune goes to the side of the tent and pulls out a whetstone. He sits down on a stone and takes out his katana before sharpening it. He does the same with his hunter's knife before going to Sophia.

Sophia: Jaune! Perfect timing! The food is ready!

She gives him a plate and one for herself before they sit back down at the table and start eating. After eating, the two set off and leave the base camp.

Sophia: Alright Jaune, let's get to work. Our number one priority is to secure the base by taking out that encroaching Anjanath. Use everything at your disposal. That's the way it works here in the New World.

Jaune laughs and lifts a tree trunk up a bit so Sophia and Flame can get through.

Jaune: You say that like I haven't been doing this the entire time.

Sophia rolls her eyes.

Sophia: There's nothing wrong with reminding you of stuff like that. After your stunt yesterday, I'm not sure if you might have brain damage.

Jaune laughs and shakes his head.

Jaune: No, I don't have one.

Sophia: That's what they all say.

Jaune walks towards a tree and spots a few claw marks that could have come from an Anjanath.

Jaune: Where are you?

The group follows Anjanath's tracks and soon find themselves behind a fallen tree as cover and watch this event. The Anjanath has a pink head and belly. Its back and legs are dark gray. A dark gray feather collar adorns his neck.

The Anjanath is currently fighting a Great Jagras and is winning. It has turned the Great Jagras onto its back, stands on top of the monster and bites it in the neck.

Sophia: It's not surprising that a Great Jagras loses to an Anjanath. But I wonder how it came about...

Jaune: Either territory battle or the Anjanath was looking for food.

Jaune looks around and sees one thing that could help him.

Jaune: I have an idea. Stay here.

He sneaks away to the side and picks up a Bomb Pot and shoots it at a spot with his Slinger. The Anjanath with the Great Jagras in his mouth approaches the strange noise in curiosity.

It approaches and Jaune aims at a rock hanging in the trees. He waits and fires. The projectile cuts through one of the tendrils holding the rocks in the air and causes it to fall onto the Anjanath.

The monster is buried by the rocks as dust is kicked up. It already seems as if the monster has been defeated.

Jaune: Is it dead yet?

But at that moment the corpse of the Great Jagras is thrown out of the cloud of dust towards Jaune. He jumps to the side and avoids the dead monster. The Anjanath stalks out of the cloud and roars at Jaune, who draws his katana.

Jaune: Would have been too easy.

The Anjanath lets out a deafening roar, its hot breath creating steam in the humid air. With a swift movement, Jaune charges towards the beast, katana gleaming in the sunlight. The Anjanath swings its massive tail, but Jaune dodges the attack, narrowly avoiding being struck.

With fast reflexes, Jaune strikes back, slicing through the Anjanath's thick scales. The beast bellows in pain, but it retaliates with a powerful swipe of its clawed hand. Jaune leaps back, narrowly avoiding the deadly claws. So close that the claws leave a mark in his helmet.

Jaune: That was close.

Jaune uses his agility and speed to outmaneuver the Anjanath, landing precise strikes with his katana. The Anjanath, fueled by rage and primal instinct, unleashes its full fury, breathing scorching flames and unleashing devastating attacks.

But Jaune remains focused and determined, dodging the fire and slicing threw the defenses of the Anjanath. With a final, decisive strike, Jaune delivers a powerful blow to the beast's vulnerable spot, causing it to stagger.

Jaune takes a deep breath.

Jaune: Here I go. Eighth Form: Moon Dragon Ringtail.

With a swing of his sword, Jaune releases a crescent moon shaped wave that cuts off the Anjanath's head. He exhales and sheathes his katana before getting down on one knee to the ground, breathing heavily.

Jaune: Damn. I still can't use them properly.

To be continued.

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