Chapter 10

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(All pictures, products and if I make allusions to anime, series and games do not belong to me)

A few days have passed since Jaune and Sophia were able to rescue the Scholar from Wildspire Waste. But they still haven't gotten anything out of him. He is still very scared and tries to hide all the time.

Sophia and Jaune have been doing a few missions and explorations these days. The jobs were always against monsters he had already fought, so they weren't that difficult to complete.

They were able to collect and store many resources over the days. So they're covered a bit for now.

The two are in the canteen eating when the horn blows.

Jaune: The horn? What does Commander Newgate want?

Sophia: Maybe it's an emergency.

The two jump up and walk down to the large table where the others have already gathered.

Sophia and Jaune stand next to Spike and Flow. Spike and Jaune press their fists against each other in greeting. The commander comes out of his quarters and stands at the end of the table.

Commander Newgate: Gather 'round everyone. We're about to begin. Thanks to you, we've made great strides towards understanding the tracks that have turned up across the continent. Our researchers have done some projections and now we know where Zorah Magdaros will go next.

He points to the big map on the table. There is a large ravine where he points.

Commander Newgate: It's heading for the great Ravine.

Sophia: The great Ravine? The huge valley out past the wildspire.

Commander Newgate: Correct. So, I have a proposition for all of you.

Everyone looks at him excitedly.

Commander Newgate: I say we try to capture Zorah Magdaros once it gets there.

Most people are shocked when they hear this.

Tiara: Have you gone mad?!

Achim: Capture it?!

The Commander looks at her with a stern expression.

Commander Newgate: Hear me out! The ravine is the perfect terrain for staging such an event. We're not going to get a better chance than this.

The Meowscular Chief nods.

Meowscular Chef: Heh, I like the sound of this.

Rodolf scratches his head.

Rodolf: If we don't take this opportunity, it could be a decade before the next opportunity presents itself... maybe even longer.

Jozu looks at Commander Newgate, with an uncertain expression on his face.

Jozu: Is it even possible?

The commander grins at his old friend.

Commander Newgate: If I said it wasn't, would that even stop you?

Trum hits his hammer on the table.

Trum: Let's give it a go! With the Fifth supporting us, our chances are as good as ever!

Most people nod at him.

Commander Newgate: Then it's settled

Meanwhile, the Huntsman are shocked by what they hear.

Weiss: They want to catch this huge creature?! How are they going to do that?!

Blake: I can't think of how they're going to do that either.

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