Chapter 12

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(All pictures, products and if I make allusions to anime, series and games do not belong to me)

It's the next day after Jaune, Sophia and Flame completed the mission to hunt down an Anjanath. It is night when everyone gathers together again at the big table.

Commander Newgate: Gather 'round people. We have much to discuss. All our preparations are complete, and I have all of you to thank you for working double time to make it happen.

Everyone nods at him and smiles. Commander Newgate looks at Sophia and Jaune.

Commander Newgate: I'm especially impressed with the Fifth for hunting the Anjanath despite being new here.

Sophia smiles and pats Jaune on the back, who picks up his arm and touches it with the other.

Commander Newgate: That's one less misery standing between us and capturing Zorah Magdaros. Well done.

At the Huntsman, Ruby throws her arms in the air.

Ruby: Woohoo! Go Jaune!

Everyone looks at her with a raised eyebrow.

Ruby: What? Can't we be happy for him?

Commander Newgate: Well then. When will Zorah reach the Great Ravine?

Rodolf: Precisely at Daybreak.

Commander Newgate smiles and leans on the table.

Commander Newgate: Good. Let's run through the operation one last time, then. Our Hunters want rendezvous on-site. Once the beast appears, the operation will begin.

He draws a red arrow on the map.

Commander Newgate: We've built two bars in the target's path.

He pulls out a second card with a closer view of the first barrier.

Commander Newgate: Your objective is to stop it at the first barrier, initially wearing it down with cannon and ballista fire, then restrain it with binders.

He looks up with a serious look.

Commander Newgate: However there is a chance it will break through. If so, we'll initiate the mounting phase of the operation. During this phase, we'll attempt to weaken it further so that we'll have a better chance of restraining it at the second barrier. Make sure you hammer it as much as possible with cannons and ballistae. They're there for a reason!

Marco: Affirmative, sir.

This surprises the Huntsman.

Nora: Hey, Marco once addressed him as "Sir".

Qrow: That just shows how important the situation is for these people.

Pyrrha: I'm worried.

Yang: Because of what?

Pyrrha: The last time we saw someone on the back of that creature didn't end well.

Commander Newgate turns to Jozu.

Commander Newgate: Technicians, make sure you do a final check on the equipment before we begin.

Jozu nods.

Jozu: Yes sir!

He turns to the others.

Commander Newgate: Quartermasters, conduct an inventory on our supplies. Researchers, proceed to the Great Ravine with your escort as soon as you're ready. We can't bring our quarry back to base, so take what you need and prepared to conduct your research on-site.

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