I'll Try and I'll Try and I'll Try

87 4 16

"It's not funny, 

but i feel like laughing."

- Lauren Oliver, Delirium

"He knows," Alix spirals. "He knows, he knows and now he's gonna hurt me or do something because I told you..."

"Hey, hey, calm down. What do you mean he's gonna hurt you?" Marinette asks. "How long ago was this?"

"Last Tuesday, the 20th."

"And you didn't tell any of us sooner because he said he was gonna hurt you if you did?"

Alix nods.

The girls hear muffled yelling from the other room. "I swear, Kim, if you don't get the fuck out of my house you're never gonna fucking leave agai-"

The Amber Alert noise sounds from everyone's phones.

"Attention, bla, bla, bl- oh holy shit. Fuck!"  Marinette mumbles, raising her voice as she says the last part. "What happened?" Alix sniffles. "I left my phone in the den, what was that?"

Marinette turns on Adrien's TV and changes it to the news. "Stupid News Lady! Cut it with the small talk, will ya!" Marinette yells.

Attention Paris:

I am so very sorry to inform you but almost all of France is going to be snowed in for the time being. This blizzard is expected to give Paris around 3 meters of snow and will last until noon tomorrow.

Effected countries: Norther Spain, Northeast France, Northern Germany, Southern Sweden, Estonia, and Russia.

The TV screen goes black. Marinette turns around and looks at Alix with a horrified face.

"We're not leaving."

Haha, cliffhanger. Fuckers.

Anyway, hi, Ik its been a minute since I published anything in this one, but that's 'cus I'm working on another one and I hate midterms. @LoveSquareShipper is gonna love the new one but YOU HAVE TO WAIT IF YOU WANT ANYTHING!!!

Also, as I've said on my acc, if you want a good MLB fanfic, you should read these-- THEY'RE FUCKING AMAZING I CAN'TTTTT



I am NOT a fan of my hero, but this shits good as hell


Ok, enough of that, I Really want to thank everyone for everything. All the love-notes, hearts, encouragement, and just the stupid little shit. I want you guys to know that, even though I'm not 100% ok right now, I AM a million times better than I was and if I didn't have this website with these amazing people, I don't know what the hell I would have done.

I love you guys so much


384 words 

Snowed in at The Agreste MansionWhere stories live. Discover now