Give it All Away

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"I've been making a list of the things that they don't tech you at school.

They don't teach you how to love somebody.

They don't teach you how to be famous.

They don't teach you how to be rich, or how to be poor.

They don't teach you how to walk away from someone you don't love any longer.

They don't teach you what's going on in someone else's mind.

They  don't teach you what to say to someone who's dying.

They don't teach you anything worth knowing."

-Neil Gaiman, The Sandman, The Kindly Ones

Alr I'm like going insane or some shit, but like I decided to read this quote even though I don't normally do that bc I have at least 5 more chapters set up so like they all have a quote. And like today I started to read it and omg I'm bipolar asf compared to the last one.

anyway, back to the story--

"These are soo good Marinette, I'm like in heaven i swear to God," Felix says loudly.

After the two had cleaned up Felix's "breakfast," Marinette had made crepes from scratch. "Shh... you're gonna wake everyone else up!"

"Make me," Felix says, sipping at his coffee.

"You know... I could just go and live in Adrien's room till this storm blows over. Ooo, and I could-"

"Hey, hey, let's not go that far..." Felix cuts Marinette off. "We should go to my room so we dont wake anyone up."

"Good boy."

❅ ◦ ❅ ◦ ❅

Nino opens his eyes to the sound of whimpering coming from across the room. Alright Lila, thanks for waking me up.

Crawling over Adrien, he walks over to the chaise and gently shakes Lila awake. "Hey, girly. Wake up."

"Wha..." the brunette says, gaining consciousness. She rubs her eyes. "Where the fuck am I?" "Still at Adrien's place."

"Oh. What time is it?"

"Umm... I don't really know, not gonna lie. I'm gonna go shower and see if i can make something to eat, alright?" Nino says softly. "Don't wake them up."

"Oh, okay. I won't."


❅ ◦ ❅ ◦ ❅

"So," Lila says. "About what went down last night."

"Girl, I was just about to go and talk to you like a normal person," Nino says, stabbing another piece of crepe. We know Mari's up at least. "So shut the fuck up and let me talk for once."

"Ugh, fine," Lila rolls her eyes.

"Ok, for one, rude ass. Two, thank you for doing... whatever it is that you did to get Alya to loose it like that last night. For real felt like I was never gonna make it out of that toxic heap I called a relationship."

"Oh," Lila says, dumbfounded. No one had given her a real compliment in a long time. "Uh, you're welcome."

"And two, the whole you and Mari situation? Can you shut up about it please?"

"Why should I?" Lila says, grabbing two mugs put of a cabinet and the pot of hot coffee off the stove. "My life is fucked as shit now because of that slut. How do you like your coffee?"

"Sweet as fuck. But you know if you go around telling people, you'll feel bad about it later on."

"Yea fucking right."

Lila passes Nino his coffee. "Whipped cream?" she asks. "Who the hell puts whipped cream on coffee?" "Americans." "I guess I'll try it."

The two sit in awkward silence till something is heard coming down the hall. Nino's eyes dart around the room. "Lila, please. Just keep this between us for now. This is absolutely no one else's business. They have no need in knowing."

"Ugh, oh my God. Fine! I won't tell anyone for now, but that doesn't mean that I'm never going to say anything about it again. Ok?"

"Lila, you need to take Mari's side into consideration."

"Oh my Lord, why? This shit barely affects her."

Nino raises his voice in annoyance. "You're her legit fucking sister, Lila! This affects her as much as it does you!" 

"Who's Lila's sister ?" A voice says from behind them.


650 words

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