Chapter Eight: Felix Graham De Vanily

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Felix looks out his darkened windows at Paris's lit-up night; he's staying in one of the few guest bedrooms the Agreste Manor offers. Duusu comes floating towards him, "So, Felix, when do you think the time is right?" She asks, curious, not even being aware of the exact situation in the first place. "Not tonight, that's for sure; I don't want to destroy his entire perception of his life on a day like today," Felix explained, continuing to watch Paris's night in silence until it was interrupted by a soft knock on his door. "Yes?"  He answers, turning around with his hands behind his back as Duusu hides in his half-unpacked suitcase. His mother, Amelie, walks through the door with a smile, "Just checking on how you're settling in," she says, walking into his new room. Felix stands there momentarily, scanning the room, "Yeah, I'm just not quite sure where to begin." He responds, gesturing to the vast empty walls.
    Amelie looks at the bare walls and chuckles, "Felix, I know it's late, but we must discuss your education here in Paris." She started while sitting on his neatly made bed diagonally from him. He sighs, "Weren't you planning on sending me to the same school as Adrien?  What is it called again... " "Bustier's Noble Collége, yes, but we needed to work on your career path. They have requested it since we mentioned it about a week ago. I will also have to talk to Adrien, but... with his father, I'm not sure he has put much thought." She chimed, looking over to his luggage. Felix hung his head, thinking of a general career path. He always enjoyed strategic games but wasn't sure what type of career involved strategy. "Maybe something within business or anything with analytical thinking involved." He ponders, trying to make his mother leave as soon as possible to leave him with his thoughts. She turns her head over to him and puts her hands together, "Oh, my perfect little studious son, I will let them know as soon as possible!" She cheered before walking over to him to peck him on the cheek and leaving the room, closing the door behind her.
Duusu comes out of hiding, "Business huh?" She teases, doing little backflips in the air. "Not at all what I want to do, but if they put me in courses that provide analytical thinking, that would help me find what I want to do, I guess." He says, cupping his hands before laying his face within them. "If I want to be a master of strategy, I need to come up with a time and place to tell Adrien about who he truly is." He states, placing his fist across his chest. Duusu, oblivious, goes with it and shrugs. Before he could start planning, his phone buzzed. He looks and sees he received a message from Kagami. He sighs and slides down the wall behind him. Duusu giggles, "You love that girl huh?" She teases, looking behind his shoulder. "LOVE? I adore her, Duusu. She's perfect, she understands me, that's more than I could ever ask for!" He proclaimed, putting his phone to his chest before responding.
    Duusu looks at Felix trying to construct a way to bring him back to creating his perfect strategy, but he was nose deep into his phone communicating with a girl eletronically. "Felix shouldn't you be focusing on telling Adrien... whatever you need to tell him?" She suggests picking up a pencil for him to start creating his plan. Felix glances over at Duusu, "Yeah, it can wait, the time isn't right anyways Duusu." He replies not really caring about his plans at the moment all his attention was focused on Kagami. Duusu sighs and drops the pencil on the floor in defeat, "Alright, are you ever going to tell me what is going through your head at least?" She whined sitting next to his thigh. Felix looks away from his phone realizing Duusu never fully understood his plan from before he even discovered his uncle was the monster he was. "Oh Duusu, I didn't-" Felix says coming out of his trance of lovey doveyness. Duusu sighs and hides in his luggage not really caring about what his plans were in the first place.
    Felix stands and walks over to his mess of bags and begins rummaging for his Kwami. "Come on Duusu, I'm sorry for not being concrete with you." He says sincerely picking up handful of clothing at a time making more of a mess than before. THUD. Felix knees buckle at the loud noise that just came from down the hall, close to Adrien's room. Duusu pokes her head out of one of his suitcases, curious and puzzled to what could've made that loud of a thud. "Odd. Unless Adrien fell from his rock wall again that was extremely..." Felix conspires walking over to the door curious to what the sound could've originated from. "Are you going to check on him?" Duusu asks as Felix begins to grasp the handle of the door to which he hesitates. His thoughts immediately went to an intruder robbing his new home. He holds his breath as he slowly begins opening the door to the wide hallway. He peeks his head out scanning the environment for any odd activity. He squints focusing on Adrien's door before seeing a flash of green radiate through the cracks between his latches. He immediately closes the door and slides down the back of it with his hands folded over one another against his forehead. "This can't be real. It isn't. How could I be so blind? Knowing I was Felix when I attempted to kiss Ladybug... Marinette.. How did I not realize he was lying about talking about Adrien." Felix hyperventilates as the puzzle pieces click together perfectly. Too perfectly. Duusu floats over, "What did you see, Felix?" She questions painfully unaware. He looks up at her, "Adrien is Chat Noir, it makes so much sense why he couldn't be there during the final battle. HE WAS STUCK IN SOLITUDE." Felix says covering his mouth in panic as reality washes over him.
    Once Felix gathers his thoughts he reopens the door, "Stay here Duusu." He ordered quietly as he creeps out of the door. He sneaks over to Adrien's door and lays his head against the door, listening for any activity. Nothing. He inhales as he slowly pushes the door open. He peeks his head in, "Adrien.... Are you okay? I heard a loud sound come from in here...Did you fall off your rock wall again...." He chuckles nervously anxiously waiting for an answer. As expected, nothing. Felix slowly makes his way into Adrien's bedroom closing the door behind him. He looks around for anything that could give Adrien away, he immediately notices the open window. "Suspicious, but that window is always open... usually," he mutters to himself as he walks further into his room. He walks by his desk, unable to unnotice the unbarable stench radiating from somewhere near. His eyes widen as he looks through the drawers, finding pictures of Emilie, Ladybug, Marinette, and his other friends from their band. Felix sighs, "Only if you knew, Adrien." He pities his oblivious cousin as he begins opening another drawer to find camembert. Felix arches his eyebrow, "Weird place to keep cheese, Adrien." He announced to himself making his way over to his bedside table. Nothing odd to see there, just a glass of water. His eyes fixates outside of his windows noticing a figure running across the rooftops. "Chat Noir," Felix whispers in pure awe at the mystery he accidentally uncovered.

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