Chapter Thirty-Seven: Kagami Tsurugi

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Kagami turns off her television as she grits her teeth, "They can't expect us to actually fall through with that can they?" She asks turning around to face her kwami, Longg. She winces, "I'm not sure what they could be capable of if you refused," Longg replies with a sour expression. Kagami sighs at this response as she reaches for her phone. She immediately calls Felix glancing over at Longg in the process. "I'm sure he wouldn't know either, but it's worth a shot." She whispers putting the phone up to her ear.

"I don't know what to do, I doubt Marinette would either." Felix admits sitting next to her on her lofted bed. Kagami lays her head low and sighs, "She wouldn't want us to do anything without her say either, I'm more concerned she hasn't said anything about it yet." She looks back up at Felix, his face completely expressionless. He lays his hand on her back, "I'm sure she'll let us know soon. Hopefully no one else has the brilliant idea of going ahead and telling the government without confirmation from her." He smiles gently watching her straighten her posture. "Have you told him yet?" She asks in a monotone voice raising her eyebrow simultaneously. He grimaces looking away from her, "No, there isn't a good window. He had to deal with his father... in multiple different ways. I don't think it would be good for him to lay this upon him all at once." He explains fidgeting with her blanket between his fingers.
Kagami shakes her head at him, "He needs to know sooner or later, about both things. It'll only harm him in the future if you don't tell him now." She lectures sliding off of her bed. Felix watches her carefully as he begins to glare, "How do you expect me to tell him when he has been a mental wreck for the last six months?" He snaps sliding off the bed to join her on her bedroom floor. Kagami returns the glare before inhaling and closing her eyes, "How did it make you feel when your mother told you after so many years of unknowing the truth? She told you right after your own father's death, didn't she?" She inquires opening her eyes again to face him. Felix stands there paralyzed for a moment, "Yes but my-" "Your father was evil, don't play these games with me, Felix. It's the same scenario, you just need to be there for him the same for Nathalie." She cuts him off walking over to her desk opening a browser tab.
Felix glances over her shoulder, "I know I need to tell him. But I don't want to set him off, you saw what happened when Ladybug told him that-" "Felix. They're rioting." She whispers turning back to face him. He feels his blood rush from his face as he looks at the computer screen from behind her. He touches his cheek, "What about now? Mayor Bustier promised to hold us accountable from now on, and that we would work with the government instead of on our own..." He whispers back walking over to lean over her desk.
Kagami turns back around and sits at her desk, "I'm not sure, but they don't seem too happy about the outcome." She mutters scrolling through the article. "I think they're trying to make Chrysalis into some sort of hero... that will hold them accountable. Like some false prophet." She adds stopping her cursor on a statement from the press.

Who are we supposed to trust? The government won't tell us anything! Tyranny!

Kagami groans, "These people wouldn't know what tyranny was if it hit them in the face," she places her hands against her face in defeat. "We can't tell them, Felix. It just wouldn't work, we'd have to give up everything." She explains turning to face him again. His eyes were widened staring at the computer screen, "I..." he whispers running his fingers through his neatly styled hair, ruining it in the process. "I'm sure Mayor Bustier will settle this, right?" She suggests turning back to the screen.
Felix swallows glancing at her, "If she doesn't... I'm sure Chrysalis will." He trembles gripping at the sleeve of his shirt. He looks towards the clock on her screen, "I need to go, I'll see you soon." He confirms backing away to her open window. Kagami turns to face him, "Wait-" she stands from her chain reaching out for him. "Duusu, spread my feathers." He whispers turning away from her.
Kagami watches as he transforms into a purple hooded green eyed figure. "Patrol," he mutters before he jumps out the window.
She throws her fist onto her desk, "Be careful," she whispers clenching her jaw out of fear. She turns back to the computer noticing a new article that was published minutes prior. She slides into the chair and pulls it up to see another statement from Mayor Bustier. She clicks the link with the video attached.

"Good evening, once again Paris. I've noticed there was a misunderstanding between my last message. I wanted to make myself clear that Ladybug and her allies are not off the hook for deceiving us. They will be held accountable at a government level. We cannot risk losing them however, they are essential to whomever is behind the successor of Monarch. Please, let this be known that whoever it is behind that mask, is not a hero. They harm innocent citizens just like you and I. Let me remind you of the attack from earlier tonight. Ladybug and Chat Noir still protected everyone that had turned against them, let me ask you this, who is the true hero. Someone who manipulates emotions by changing someone into a villain or someone who continues to protect civilians despite their backlash of previous actions." She states sternly without any hesitation, it almost seemed raw and unplanned. "Good night, Paris." She signs off as the video ends. Kagami sits back in her chair covering her eyes, "Longg, this is worse than her banishing us. I can't begin to imagine what her holding us accountable means... at a government level at that." She mumbles through her hands. Longg sighs, "It'll be okay, I'm sure Ladybug has a plan," She assures placing her tiny hand on Kagami's shoulder to console her.

*hey all, thank you for the votes and comments I really appreciate the support. If you guys are interested in another season 6 fic I just finished reading up until the newly released chapter: It's extremely well written and I felt like it needed to be shared. Read the tags for warnings. It's a "little" more dark than what this one is :)
I also do plan on editing this whole fic once it's fully released. I'm well aware of the many grammatical errors and some layout errors within its contents (i.e., Marinette's house)
Also if any of you notice any plot holes let me know lolol I plan on fixing them as well lolol.

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