Chapter Thirty-Five: Consequences

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Marinette opens the door to the bakery closing it gingerly to not grab the attention of her parents. She walks past the bakery, tip toeing towards the stairs. "Marinette. Where have you been?" Tom asks concerned causing her to stop in her tracks. She turns her head slowly to face her parents who were sitting around the couch, which has become the norm as of lately. She smiles sheepishly turning her whole body to face them. "O-oh hi Mom and Dad!" She waves as the television catches her gaze. It was on mute and all she could see was Nadja Chamack mouthing words with an image of Ladybug and Chat Noir in the corner of the screen. She walks over, "Can you turn up the volume?" She whispers leaning over the couch cushions. "Not until you tell us why you're two hours late? You didn't tell us anything, Marinette! We were worried sick!" Sabine exclaims lowering her head into her hands. Tom wraps his arm around her shoulder in attempts to console her. Marinette winces, "I-I'm sorry I got caught up with Alya... We had to study for our upcoming calculus exam, I could've sworn I sent you guys a message." She pleaded frowning as the lie drips down her lips. Tom nods, "Just make sure you tell us next time, okay? Especially a day like today where there was an akuma attack... and more violent protests." He whispers as he turns up the television.
"Ladybug and Chat Noir saved the day, yet again... or did they? The akumatized villain was caused by Ladybug and Chat Noir, and was attacking peaceful protesters with an abnormally loud shrieking mechanism. Could this have served as some punishment to supporting the heroes! Or could this be Ladybug's doing and she planned this so Paris could see they still need her!" Nadja exclaims numbly, looking like she didn't believe what she was talking about either. Marinette mentally facepalms and shakes her head, "Obviously Ladybug wouldn't have put the lives of civilians at risk." She mutters as the news followed. "Now we cut to Mayor Bustier who will finally address the issues all Parisians are facing. Can we trust Ladybug?"
Marinette leans in closer to the television as Mayor Bustier is shown in her office. "Good evening, Paris!" She greets almost cheerfully. "I apologize for the late acknowledgement of the ongoing issues occurring, this has been a far more complex situation than one can imagine." She continues, Marinette begins to visibly tremble. Please don't ban us, Mayor Bustier. We have gave up so much. "Ladybug and Chat Noir and their allies have protected us for a little over a year now, and let's not forget that. However, they, specifically, Ladybug has held important information from us. We will not be outlawing superheroes, as seen we will still need them. I have no reason to believe that Ladybug was behind the akumatization today. However, Ladybug and her allies must come forward and identify themselves as a way to hold them accountable for future reference."
Marinette feels her heartbeat pick up the pace as her eyes widen. She grips the back of the couch gently, "Their identities will remain confidential, but they will be working with the government instead of following their own rules." She finishes as she nods to the camera, the scene cuts back to Nadja. "Thank you Mayor Bustier, continuing with the weather." Sabine turns off the television, "Oh! Isn't that wonderful our superheroes aren't going to be banned! And they're still going to help us!" She smiles standing from the couch. Tom returns a smile, "Now hopefully that takes care of the protesters so we can go back to baking for everyone!" He exclaims walking back over to the bakery. Marinette feels light headed, "I-I'm going to go lay down, it's been a long day." She smiles walking towards the stairs.
Marinette collaspes in her lounge chair face first as Tikki flies out of her bag. "This is worse than what I could imagine, Tikki!" She cries into her pillow gripping at the edges. Tikki frowns, "On the bright side-" Marinette whips her head to face her with mascara running down her face, "What bright side Tikki? That we aren't being banned? I would so much rather be banished from transforming again rather than reveal my identity. At least then I will remain safe." She snaps as more tears stroll down her cheeks. Tikki sighs, "It will stay confidential, Marinette." She whispers trying to play the voice of reason. Marinette's eyes widen, "To the government, but that's still a lot of people knowing that Marinette Dupain-Cheng is Ladybug! Not to mention if one of them are akumatized then it would be EXTREMELY easy for them to find me." She argued throwing the pillow into her face before letting out a muffled scream. She lowers the pillow and sighs, "I'm going to bed, I don't want to think about this anymore." She states standing up and walking over to her stairs that leads to her bed. Tikki sighs after her following her up the stairs slowly.

"Marinette. Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Look at me." A deep voice demands coming from the darkness. Marinette opens her eyes facing the darkness with a shadow casting over her that resembles the shape of a humanoid figure. "Marinette," He starts again as the purple highlight brightens around him, letting her see the outline of his face. "W-who are you? Where am I?" She whispers sitting up in the void she was sitting in. "You're awake, good." He mutters as more of his features begin to show through the purple outline. Her eyes widened, "G-Gabriel... Agreste?" She asks immediately jumping up in a defensive position. "I cannot harm you, nor would I want to, Marinette." He states as more of his features become prominent. "W-why am I here?" She snaps reaching up for her earrings, "AND WHERE IS MY MIRACULOUS?" She growls balling up her fists.
Gabriel sighs and shakes his head in response, "You're everywhere and nowhere, your miraculous is safe. For now." He warns towering over her. Marinette relaxes lowering her guard for a moment, "Gabriel. Why am I here? Why are you here." She demanded crossing her arms over her chest. "My son knows who I was, Marinette." He begins glaring at her, "So, now you have to live with the consequences. However, I was not going to just leave you off without warning you." Marinette's heart drops feeling her palms become clammy. "Why are you warning me?" She begs placing her hands over her chest. Gabriel inhales slowly, "Because, the person behind the mask isn't some stranger. She knows more than what you may think, Marinette." He exhales placing his hand against his forehead. He looks at his hand, noticing he's beginning to fade into the void. "We don't have much time, you cannot tell the government your identity. It will only-"

Marinette sits up in her bed gasping for air, her eyes wide open. Tikki floats up as quickly as she sat up, "Marinette are you okay?" She asks concerned watching Marinette begin to hyperventilate. "W-we can't tell the government." She gasps throwing her hands into her hair. "I- I had a warning from Gabriel Agreste." She admits as her breathing slows. Tikki's eyes widened, "You had a vision?" She inquires tilting her head. Marinette turns her head to Tikki, "Yes, he also said that Chrysalis isn't a stranger to us." She inhales crawing over to her stairs. She runs down them and grabs her phone to check the time. "I need to tell Chat Noir.. and everyone else-" She continues as she collapses onto her floor. "Marinet-" Tikki exclaims as she drifted back to sleep.

Marinette wakes up hours later with a horrible headache. "Marinette! It's getting late!" Her mother yells from downstairs. She groans looking over at Tikki, "How long was I out?" She mutters sitting up and rubbing her head. Tikki grimaces, "About... 2 hours." She chuckles nervously. Marinette groans again reaching for her phone she dropped, "11AM..." She mutters to herself standing up. She stretches before heading downstairs to join her family.

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