Chapter Thirty-Six: Chloe Bourgeois

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"I'll be there soon, old friend." The girl smirks through her phone as she hangs up. She turns around to look at herself in a mirror and fixes her long blonde hair. "Marinette Dupain-Cheng WILL regret everything she did to me." She sneers with an emphasis on her second last name as she reaches for a makeup brush.
"Jezabell... or... Courtney, the plane takes off in two hours... If you still want to see this "friend," of yours." A tall woman jeered from her door way. Chloe turns to face her mother, "Of course I do." She snaps with one eye painted blue. Her mother scoffs, "At least finish your makeup before facing me." She throws her hand up to silence any remark her daughter may have before walking away. Chloe sighs turning back to her mirror to finish her other eyelid. "She will pay." She mutters grabbing her mascara.

  "You will be staying with your father, I will not be coming back with you. I expect you to not return to New York unless necessary." Audrey scolded as Chloe loads her luggage onto a cart, refusing to face her mother. I hope I don't have to either, mother. She takes one more glance at her mother before walking out of the penthouse to the elevator leading to the lobby. She walks out of the lobby door and is greeted by a limousine driver. "Perfect, take these," She demands handing over her luggage cart. The driver nods as she walks over to the opened back door. She crosses her legs to sit more ladylike as the door closes. The driver packs the last bag, which barely fit into the trunk of the limo. While Chloe waits for him to begin his long drive to the airport, she takes out her phone.

  I'm on my way, I am delighted to be working with you again. I will see you tomorrow.
   -C <3

  Chloe arrives to the airport and was guided to first class, as expected because daddy lost his job he can't afford a private jet anymore. Ridiculous. She is assisted through intense American security until she finally arrives outside of the plane stairs case that would lead her to the top cabin of the plane. She grabs the railing walking up the stairs carefully as she sticks her nose in the air.
  She finds her seat on the plane and takes out her phone.

  Perfect Chloe. I anxiously await for your return.

  Chloe smirks as she closes her eyes in hope she would sleep through the entire ride. She soon drifted to sleep as the rest of the plane filled with passengers.
Chloe awakens to the feeling of her ears popping from the sudden altitude change. She looks out the window next to her with a wide grin as she spots the Eiffel Tower in the morning sky. She stretches and lets out a small delicate yawn as she patiently waits for the plane to land. Thankfully I slept through that whole flight, I won't have to deal with pesky jet lag again. She ponders taking out her phone to see she had received another message from her long lost friend.

Look at what I sent everyone yesterday afternoon after Marinette decided it was okay for her to run for representative again. Needless to say she won't be winning. :)
- L.

  Chloe holds back laugher as she covers her mouth

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  Chloe holds back laugher as she covers her mouth. That's horrible Lila! She thought before reiterating her thoughts through a text.

  That's absolutely insufferable! Almost embarrassing to be on the other end LOL!
  -C <3

  Chloe calms down as the plane finally comes to a landing. She is met by one of the attendants as the plane came to a stop. "Chloe Bourgeois, come with me," She smiles politely as she begins to walk towards the exit. Chloe looks around noticing no one else was in the first class cabin with her as she stands. She shrugs following the attendant lead her through customs to find her luggage. The attendant leaves her once all of her luggage is located and placed onto a cart. Chloe looks around in hopes someone would be there to pick her up. She scans the room and spots a woman holding a sign for her with her name plastered in a pink font. She pulls her cart over to her, "Perfect, now place these things in whatever vehicle you're taking me in to my father." She demands in an ugly tone as she takes her phone back out. The woman nods without saying anything pushing it towards the outdoors, Chloe not far behind.
  Chloe tilts her head at the small vehicle in front of her, "Wow daddy has really fallen off if he expects me to get into... whatever that is." She mutters as the driver shoves the luggage in the trunk and backseat. Chloe opens the passenger door herself and hops in without hesitation. The woman sits next to her once she's finished loading the vehicle, completely silent. Chloe glances at her before taking out her phone to text her father. "I wouldn't do that, Chloe." She demands as she shifts the car into drive. Chloe looks away from her phone, "And why not?" She sassed rolling her eyes. The driver glances at her, "Because you're not going home, just yet." She mutters turning down an alley to a dark area of Paris. Chloe raises her eyebrow, "Listen lady, I know my father isn't as rich anymore but that doesn't mean you-" "Chloe. You're not going home." She snaps gripping at the wheel. Chloe jumps dropping her phone in the process. "Who are you and where are you taking me." She snaps balling up her fists. The woman laughs, "A woman of many names, Chloe. But I am a friend of yours." She responds swiftly as she pulls the car into park outside of an apartment complex. Chloe bites her lip regretting coming home, not only is my daddy poor, but I was KIDNAPPED!
  She unbuckles her seat belt slowly as the strange woman gets out of the car to start unloading. Chloe watches her from the window petrified. What's going to happen to me, am I going to turn into cat food. Please anything but cat food. Chloe opens the door hesitantly as she watches her kidnapper begins to take things out of the vehicle. "Are you going to help me, or just stare in complete shock?" She uttered dropping a box onto the ground. Chloe rolls her eyes, "Fine."
  The woman guides her into her empty apartment that at least looked lived in. "What am I doing here? And WHO are you?" She shrieks following her kidnapper up the stairs. She laughs again, "I get it, I look different since you last saw me," She states opening a door to an empty spare room with a single queen sized bed. She lays Chloe's belongings down smirking. Chloe drops her bags, "You don't expect me to stay here do you?" She asks covering her mouth.
  The woman turns to look at her, "Oh, Chloe you're going to do more than stay here. You're going to work with me. You're an essential key of our plan remember?" She winks walking out of the room.
  Chloe's eyes widened watching her walk out of the room. She stomps, "This is NOT what I had in mind with ruining Marinette's life, Lila!" She growls causing her to stop in her tracks and poke her head through the door, "Oh yeah, Chloe. My name is Iris, if you're going to stay here to ruin her life you might as well call me by my real name from now on." She giggles before walking away again.
  Chloe swallows hard looking down at her phone at the last message she received from her.

  We're going to make a fantastic duo, Chloe.

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