Chapter Thirty-Eight: Late

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  Argos leaps from rooftop to rooftop in an attempt to find Viperion waiting for him. He was already ten minutes late for their round of patrolling for the day because he was caught up in the news and arguing with Kagami. The arguing wasn't that serious, of course; he needed a stern talking to for his decision to finally be made.
  Argos catches a glimpse of a teal figure from a distance and picks up his speed. "Where have you been? I relieved Purple Tigress and Pigella, assuming you were on your way." Viperion explains in a concerned tone. Argos attempts to catch his breath, laying his hands on his knees. "H-have you seen the news?" He gasps, bowing his head down as his breathing begins to decelerate. Viperion raises his eyebrow, "Mayor Bustier? Well, yeah, I saw... not entirely enthusiastic about the risk of the government knowing our identities, but we have to do what we have to in order to keep Paris safe."
  Argos looks up from his bent-over position, "No, Parisians are not happy about it either." He inhales, fixing his posture as he regains composure. He stretches his arms behind his head, "They're rioting again because they feel like the government won't hold them accountable to their standards," He adds, watching Viperion stiffen. "They're... WHAT?" He snaps, glancing over the roof petrified. "So, we're still not safe?" He inquires crossing his arms.
  Argos shakes his head, "Not until Mayor Bustier makes another statement clarifying what she meant by holding us accountable." He shrugs also glancing over the rooftop in fear they had been spotted. Viperion sighs looking back at Argos, "This is some never-ending nightmare," He mutters frowning. Argos nods in agreement, "There isn't much we can do until Ladybug tells us something, but she's been radio-silent since her and Chat Noir defeated the akumatized villain from earlier."
  Viperion swallows, "She must be thinking of something as we speak, it isn't like her to not have an idea." He commented slowly bending down to sit on the concrete roof, letting his legs dangle off the edge. Argos bites his lip, "She'll come up with something by tomorrow, I know it. I am the newly appointed messenger after all," he chuckles joining him in sitting at the edge of the roof. Viperion scoffs, "Yeah, a little messenger boy because she can't risk her identity to anyone else." Argos cocks his eyebrow, "You have a point, I shouldn't even know." He mutters looking down at the few Parisians remaining on the street. Viperion lays his hand on his shoulder, "I shouldn't know either, it's alright she trusts you enough to let you keep your miraculous does she not?"
  Argos looks down at his brooch, "I don't understand why she would, I did try to end the world after all." He admits covering his eyes in shame. Viperion sighs removing his hand from his shoulder, "You've redeemed yourself since then. I don't know what you did to prove yourself to her, but she has trust in you." He convinced laying his hands behind him for support. Argos removes his hands from his eyes in realization. "I need to tell Adrien." He mumbles looking at Viperion.
  Viperion turns to look at him, "Tell him what exactly? That you know his identity?" He inquires confused at the point Argos was trying to make. Argos shakes his head, "No, not that, but I might as well kill two birds with one stone." He retorts swaying his legs with the wind. Viperion shrugs, "Well, what exactly do you need to tell him so desperately that isn't being aware that he's Chat Noir?"
  Argos sighs, "You know how I was late tonight?" Viperion nods in acknowledgment. "Well, I was talking to Kagami about when I should tell him... about this thing..." He adds slowly lowering his voice into a mumble. "You don't need to tell me, Argos it seems important between you and him." He confirms looking away from him.
  Argos widens his eyes before grabbing Viperion's shoulder, "Adrien's mother is dead because she used the broken peacock miraculous to have a son, Luka." He states clearly making direct eye contact with him. Viperion blinks slowly, "What exactly are you implying?" He inquires glaring at him. Argos sighs removing his hand from his shoulder, "My father did the same, died the same exact way. Nathalie was on the verge of dying, but Gabriel wished for her to be healed instead of his original plan." He mutters losing confidence again.
  Viperion grabs both of his shoulders, "You and Adrien are senti-" "sentient beings, yeah. That doesn't make us any less human than you however." He scolded shaking his hands off his shoulders. "Monarch's original wish was to bring back-" Viperion starts as his eyes widened. Argos nods slowly, "These rings that we both have give whoever the power to control us... how else would it have been so easy for his father to control him for so many years?" He smirks showing the outline of his ring under his suit.
  Viperion stares at the ring, "You absolutely need to tell him the truth. He already knows you're Argos in both forms. You can't keep this from him for much longer." He whispers in pure shock pulling his arms to touch his face. Argos sigh standing up slowly, "Come on we still have a job to do," he insisted as he reached down to help him stand. Viperion accepted the offer and Argos pulled him up to his feet. "So Nathalie was Mayura, we were fighting his only family," Viperion questions as he straightens his posture. "Pretty much, yeah." He responds looking around for a direction to start heading towards. "Are you going to confirm that for him as well, or are you going to leave him in the dark like you and Ladybug have done for months?" Viperion inquires in a sour tone. Argos rolls his eyes, "I meant to tell him once he got the rings back, but you saw how he was when Ladybug simply informed him that his father was Monarch... asides from that I'm sure he'll put the puzzle pieces together, if he hasn't already."
  Viperion glares at him, "You can't just rely on his intelligence someone has to tell him the truth. You obviously know it all." He spat looking off the roof seeing flashing colors coming around the city hall.
  Argos inhales watching over the city with him, "We should go, we think we're safe up here but I think we've said too much," He states motioning towards the crowd of people beginning to march down the street they were adjacent to. Viperion nods in agreement turning away to the other side of the building. "Let Ladybug know we are still wanted by the people of Paris," He ordered before jumping onto a higher building.

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