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New York, 12:05 pm

JANUARY 3, 2015

reason #2: food.

Like yesterday, Layla was already up on the roof, sitting and waiting for Shawn to arrive. Shawn was five minutes late, and he felt bad that he was, seeing that Layla had to wait out in the cold for him. He couldn't help but think it was sweet that Layla would wait for Shawn until he arrived instead of leaving. He wondered how long Layla was willing to wait for him, but he wasn't going to test.

"You know, I don't really get why we always have to meet up here," Shawn said as he approached Layla, going in front of her. Layla looked up at him and smiled in relief.

"Hi, Shawn! You came! I thought you weren't going to show." Layla laughed. Shawn shrugged and held out a hand for her, which Layla happily took and Shawn helped her up. "And going back to your statement: the reason why we always have to meet up here is because this is where I first met you - and every day, it's like we're meeting all over again." Layla told him, reaching for a basket that was on the ground. "Ready to go?"

"Go where?"

"In there," Layla pointed towards the stairways leading to the lobby of the abandoned building.

"Why do we have to go in there?"

"Cooperation, Shawn. I need some cooperation!" Layla teased and stuck her tongue out at Shawn before skipping towards the stairways, the basket in her hands. Shawn huffed and followed behind her, but walking and taking his time walking down the stairs. "Come on, you slowpoke. I really like this next reason!" Layla bellowed, already near the end of the stairs. Shawn groaned out loud and hurried his pace, but only just a little bit.

When Shawn finally arrived down the stairs, Layla had already laid out a blanket on the floor. Well, that was quick. "What's this?" Shawn questioned, crossing his arms and watching Layla set the picnic she had planned up. Layla didn't answer yet; she finished arranging the food and paper plates and plastic cups on the blanket before she started to speak.

"Ta-da!" she sung, bouncing up on her two feet and widening her arms proudly, a huge grin on her face. She pushed her glasses up her nose and then sat down on the blanket, patting the spot across from her, in which Shawn sat down at. "Reason number two: food."

"How expected," Shawn remarked, admiring the different kinds of foods that Layla prepared and packed. He hasn't eaten lunch yet, and his breakfast wasn't the best, so this reason actually excited him, too.

"You don't like?" Layla queried, creased eyebrows and she pushed her glasses up her nose again. Shawn looked away from the food and to Layla, seeing the disappointed look on her face. This may be the first time he saw her without her smile.

"No, no, no. I like it. It's great, Layla. Thank you." Shawn assured, and there was her smile again. Shawn looked back at the food, studying it once again. Each one made him even hungrier, but what made his stomach nearly growl was when he saw a chocolate muffin inside a container. "You brought muffins? How did you know I love them?" Shawn squealed, grabbing the container and opening the lid.

Layla giggled and shrugged. "I brought a muffin - just one. And, I didn't know you loved them." Shawn took the muffin out of the container and sniffed it briefly before taking a bite from it. As Shawn chewed, his eyes closed in awe, Layla watched in amusement while taking a watermelon cube from a container and putting it in her mouth, trying to stop her giggles.

"This is so good! What brand is it?" Shawn opened his eyes, staring at Layla for an answer.

"No brand, Shawn. I was just bored at home and decided to make them. That was the last muffin I made." Layla put another watermelon cube in her mouth. She thought of an idea and began to clap, squirming in her spot, forcefully swallowing the rest of her watermelon.

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