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At Layla's school, 12:00 pm 

February 23, 2015 

Everyone stared at him, the mystery boy who walked through the doors of the cafeteria with a guitar in his hands. They stared at him in confusion and watched his actions - some girls instantly attracted to him - as he made his way to a table of girls who looked about Layla's grade. 

Shawn hated the attention on him, so he tried his best to ignore the looks he was receiving. "Um...excuse me," Shawn began. "Can I ask you girls a question? Do you know who Layla Jackson is?"

The girls all nodded, and one answered, "She's in our batch. Why? Who are you?" 

"I'm her...um...I'm he best friend. I need to tell her something, so do you know where she might be? Does she have a club held in lunch, or something? Because she isn't anywhere in here."

"No," one of the girls replied. "She...doesn't eat in the cafeteria. But I see her go in the washroom, and she brings her food in there with her, so..." 

"Oh. Okay then. Thank you." Shawn mumbled and scanned around, his eyes landing on the girl's washroom located in the cafeteria. He hurried towards it, looking around to make sure no one was watching before opening the washroom door, quickly walking in and quietly shutting the door closed. 

Shawn listened attentively, and he neared the only locked stall in the washroom. He heard quiet cries. "Layla?" Shawn spoke up, knocking on the bathroom stall gently. The cries stopped, and Layla froze when she heard Shawn's voice. "Layla, it's Shawn. I came to visit you...can we talk, please?" 

"Not in the mood for it, actually." She whispered and wiped her eyes under her glasses, praying that her sobs weren't heard. 

Shawn sighed and sat down, cross-legged in front of the stall, setting his guitar on the floor. "Layla, please? I left my school so I could talk to you, and I scrolled through our entire message conversation just to check what school you went to because I remember you telling me it at one point. I want you to know that I'm really sorry for yelling at you like that and telling you those things. I was overreacting, and you didn't do anything wrong." 

"I did something wrong. It's the only thing I do; I disappoint people." Layla mumbled. 


"Nothing. Apology accepted. It's fine." 

Shawn pursed his lip. Truthfully, he didn't want Layla to forgive him so easily. He wanted to speak to her more, and he wanted to show her that he cared for her and their friendship by being persistent. "Layla, why are you crying? Why are you eating in the washroom?" 

Layla shook her head, even though Shawn couldn't see her. Then the tears came rushing out of her eyes again, and she started to cry. This time, she didn't care if Shawn heard her; he knew she was crying anyways. "Isn't it obvious, Shawn? I don't belong out there! Those people are normal, and I'm...me. They don't like me - none of them do. I don't have any friends out there! You're the only friend I have!" 

And everything made sense to Shawn now; why Layla was always so joyful around him. Why she was always so happy when he texted her first. Why she had tears in her eyes when they fought. 

"Layla..." Shawn whispered, his nose bridge stinging as tears blurred his vision slightly. He then laid on his stomach and crawled underneath the small gap underneath the stall door. Once he was successfully in the stall with Layla, he wrapped his long arms around her and buried her face in his neck, his hand supporting the back of her head. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." 

Layla sobbed hard, but Shawn didn't care that his neck was getting soaked, as well as his shirt. "It's o-okay." 

"I care about you, Layla. I'm your best friend. You're my best friend. I will always be here for you. I promise." Shawn vowed, giving Layla soft kisses on the side of her head and then tightening his arms around her. 

"I'm sorry y-you had to see me l-like this. I'm so sorry." 

"Don't say sorry. You have nothing to be sorry for. You're perfect either way." Shawn pulled away. Layla sniffled and removed her glasses, wiping the glass with the sleeve of her jacket and then wiping her eyes. Shawn took the glasses from Layla's hands and put it on her himself, giving her a smile. "So beautiful. My best friend is so beautiful." 

Layla placed her hand underneath her chin flatly and smiled, and the both of them laughed. "Thank you, Shawn. F-for coming here." 

"I will come here everyday for lunch if I have to." 

"Oh goodness..." Layla laughed, shaking her head. She took a carrot from the tray she had. "Carrot?" 

"No thank you. Food in a washroom is very unsanitary." Shawn cringed. He opened the stall door and gestured for Layla to follow him out, and she did. She placed her tray on the counter of the sink and watched as Shawn got his guitar from the ground. "This is dedicated to Layla!" 

Layla giggled and watched as Shawn strummed his guitar, playing a soothing melody. He began to sing, Bon Jovi, I'll Be There For You. His voice put Layla in awe, and she couldn't stop smiling. "Words can't say what love can do. I'll be there for you." He finished beautifully, and Layla clapped. 

"Beautiful!" She remarked, earning a grin from him. 

"Reason number seven: pursuing your dreams. You were right about my dream." Shawn told her and Layla proudly smiled to herself. "So...what's my next reason, Layla?"

Layla pondered for a while, and then she gasped. "It's reason number eight! Yay, I love this reason! But...I can't show it to you now because you have to go back to school now." She frowned and pouted. 

Shawn thought for a while before he mischievously grinned, a plan in his head. "Or..." 


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