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New York, 5:00 PM

February 28, 2015

reason #11: feelings

They were going hiking today. Shawn had arrived on top of the abandoned building, meeting up with Layla, and then she demanded him to drive to the park where a hiking trail led to within a forest. He had groaned when she told him what they were doing today, thinking that hiking was reason number eleven; but she assured him that there's more to it than fatigue and exhaustion.

"C'mon, Layla," Shawn breathed out at the girl who led the way, occasionally pushing up her huge glasses until they hit her nose bridge. She didn't look at all tired, and they have been walking for what seemed like thirty minutes. "Hiking in February? You're crazy!"

"You just noticed?" She teased as she turned her head just to take a simple glance at him. Unlike Shawn, she was prepared for the hike - with the runners and the gym clothes and everything. Shawn, however, wore Vans and all the wrong clothing. "But it's almost March anyways, and it's not that cold. Besides, we're almost there anyways!"

Shawn grumbled to himself, an abundance of complaints. But Layla was right; soon, after just a few more minutes of walking uphills and running downhills, the both of them reached a small lake. The water was a dark blue and there were a few other hikers around, some having a picnic and some taking pictures and fleeing.

"Finally!" Shawn exclaimed once the both of them settled near the lake. "We made it! We actually made it!"

Layla giggled, nodding her head, catching any breath she needed from the hike. "Reason number eleven: feelings." She then announced. "See how joyful you were once you completed the task? You're feeling a sense of accomplishment - and it makes you happy! When you're in heaven - or hell, 'cause who knows what you did last summer - you won't really be feeling any other feeling but happy...or pain. Depends where you go."

Shawn poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue, hardening his expression. "But I hate feelings."

"Ugh! Darn you, you silly pessimist!" Layla groaned out loud, stomping back towards the forest, Shawn calling after her.

"What? It's true! I hate feelings!"


When Layla and Shawn were finished their hiking back (which took longer, due to the rests Shawn begged for), the sun was already setting. And when Shawn was driving Layla to her apartment, Layla had accidentally taken a short nap, her head leaned against the car window. He didn't know what to do when he finally arrived; of course waking her up would be the first option, but he wanted her to have her rest.

So he waited a while.

After twenty more minutes of Shawn just parked in front of the apartment building, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel and looking out to the road, Layla woke up. She stirred a little and finally fluttered her eyes open.

"Oh! We're here!" Layla exclaimed, having no fatigue laced in her voice. She looked at Shawn. "How long have I been sleeping?"

"Thirty minutes?"

"But...it doesn't take thirty minutes to..." She trailed off, waiting for an explanation.

"I waited a while. You seemed comfortable and I didn't want to wake you up."

She smiled widely. "Well, thank you, Shawn! But you really didn't have to waste your gas on me. You could have just, like, nudged me awake."

He shrugged. "I didn't want to."

"Okay then, well, bye! Thank you for the drive. Hope you enjoyed the hike today." She said as she exited the car. Shawn opened the passenger door window once Layla was outside, so they could talk for a couple more seconds.

"You know, next time you should text me the requirements needed for the activity." He teased, making Layla roll her eyes. "But bye, Layla. I enjoyed today. Thank you. Stay safe, and goodnight."

"Goodnight." She smiled one last time, turning her heel and pacing a few steps towards the apartment building - and as always, Shawn watched her leave, just to make sure nothing happened to her for the few steps she had to walk.

Suddenly, Layla stopped walking, and she shook her head, laughing and turning around, walking back to Shawn. He creased his eyebrows, opening the window once again.

"Something wrong?" He questioned, but Layla just chuckled again.

"Caring for someone is a feeling." She simply said, nothing more and nothing else, proceeding to her trail to her apartment building.


most probably made this dang hike trail up. i don't even know anything about New York. also, the chapters will be brief now, since i want to end this book already (oops).

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