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New York, 7:00 pm

March 14, 2015

reason #15: prom 

Shawn scanned his reflection from his black, leather shoes to his nicely done, gelled hair. He sighed, grabbing his car keys and phone before heading out to his car. The drive to Layla's place didn't take long, but a few cars still existed during the early evening. 

When he was in front of the two doors - Layla's penthouse - he rung the doorbell, waited, and greeted the girl who opened the door with a slight nod. "Hi, Layla," he said, eyes bulging at the long dress she wore. Her makeup was done more vibrantly and her hair was curled. She didn't wear her glasses. "Woah." 

"Yeah. Woah to you, too." She giggled, grabbing his wrist and pulling him in. He looked around the place, confused as to why it was dimmer and why her living room was decorated with fairy lights. On the coffee table, there were snacks and drinks. 

He was already confused when Layla informed him over FaceTime to stop by her penthouse on March 14th, a Saturday, at 7 p.m., dressed in a tux - but the decorations confused him even more. "Okay..." he commented. "I'm lost here." 

"You're so clueless!" she teased. "This is for the next reason! Reason number fifteen: prom." 


"Yes, prom. You see, prom is known to be the most important night of any high schooler's life. You kinda have to be alive to experience prom, Shawn." Layla said, and Shawn watched as she scrolled through her laptop, which was plugged into speakers. "Since your prom isn't until June, or whatever, and mine is too far to wait, we're going to have our own prom." She tapped on the mousepad and an Ed Sheeran song began to play. 

"Give Me Love. How cliché." He remarked as Layla ambled back to him. 

"It's prom; everything is cliché." She laughed. "But I'm still waiting for you to ask me to dance." 

Rolling his eyes, Shawn held out his hand. "Layla Jackson, would you like to have this dance with me?" 

"Well..." she pretended to ponder, glancing around the place. "I was hoping some other guy would ask me...but I guess you're good, too." 

He rolled his eyes again, taking Layla's hand in his and pulling her towards his chest. "You look beautiful." 

"You too." 

Give me love like her...

Their chests were pressed together, their bodies so close they spoke in whispers. He looked down at her as she looked up at him. "Have you ever had a girlfriend?" Suddenly, Layla asked. 

"Um, no." His face heated up. 

"Same here - with a boyfriend, I mean." She confessed. "But have you ever liked someone?" 

"Of course. I'm only human."

"How about now? Is there a special girl in your school?" She wiggled her eyebrows teasingly, a smirk on her lips. 

Shawn thought about it. "No. Not in my school. It's a secret, though." 

"Tell me!" 

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a secret. But I don't know if what I'm feeling is even what I think it is." 

Layla laughed. "Explain." 

"I don't know how to explain it. It's just...we're friends - best friends, even - but for some reason, I want her. She..." Shawn paused, staying quiet as Layla rested her head on Shawn's shoulder. 

"Oh. Continue, please. I'm just tired." Layla hummed, closing her eyes. 

And Shawn continued. "She does things that makes me want to hold her in my arms forever - unintentional things. She's also so beautiful. So, so beautiful." 

"Then tell her." 

Shawn shook his head, even though Layla couldn't see him. "I can't do that. I don't want to say it out loud because, well, I don't want her to leave. I'm sure she doesn't feel the same way." 

"You wouldn't know if you never confess."

All he did was chuckle, quickly dismissing the topic. "I can't." He said, and then changed subject. "You know, I was going to ditch my prom. Before I even thought of jumping off the building. I knew I wasn't going to go with anyone - or would anyone agree if I asked - so I never thought about it."

Layla lifted her head, smiling widely. "I'll go with you, if you want! And when it's my prom, you can go with me!" 

He twirled her around, her elegance matching the song playing softly in the background. He pulled her back to his chest, his arms around her body, the two of them swaying. 

"Good. I wouldn't it any other way."


so...it's been two months.  

i'm sorry. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2016 ⏰

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