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New York, 12:20 pm 

February 23, 2015

reason #8: animals 

"I can't believe I'm actually doing this! Are we seriously going to skip school for reason number eight?" Layla asked when she calmed down from her uncontrollable laughing spree, but excitement was still running briskly through her veins. 

Shawn shrugged and nodded, sending her a small grin. "Well...I missed you. I can't last another hour without hanging out with you, so yes - we really are skipping school for reason number eight." Layla looked down at her lap, pushing her glasses towards her forehead, a tiny smile on her lips. "Anyways, where am I driving? What's reason number eight?" 

"Do you know the place Pets on Lex?" 

"Really, Layla? Why a pet store?" 

"Go to it!" 

Shawn sighed but obeyed, and he took a turn that led to the street where Pets on Lex - a pet store - was located. After ten minutes, they arrived; Shawn parallel-parked on the side of the road, and the both of them exited Shawn's car. There weren't a lot of people in the streets (mainly because the teenagers were still at school, and the adults had their jobs). 

Ding, ding! The tiny bell at the top of the store entrance rung as Layla pushed open the door. She happily grinned at the sight of puppies everywhere in wide cages. The store worker looked up from the papers she was reading and straightened her posture, smiling kindly, "Layla!" She greeted. "What are you doing here? Who's this?" The girl looked at Shawn. 

"Hi, Irene!" Layla greeted back. Shawn looked at the two of them, confused. "This is Shawn! We came here to play with the puppies." 

"Oh, alright." Irene winked playfully and continued to read the papers she had.

Shawn followed Layla around the store until she stopped at a section where there were an abundance of little puppies; furry, bald, black, white, beige, or a mixture of colours. Shawn's heart leaped and he couldn't help but let an 'awe!' escape his mouth at the sight of them. 

"Reason number eight: animals! You gotta love them, right? I mean, can you just imagine a world without them?" Layla took a puppy from its cage and cuddled with it, kissing it on the head before putting it close to Shawn's face. "See? Won't be having these little pups in heaven, will you?" 

"Rabies." Shawn stated simply and Layla looked at him with a dull expression. 

"Are you kidding me right now? You-"

"Silly pessimist." Shawn finished mockingly, taking the small puppy from Layla's hands. "But they are adorable." He smiled at the puppy, and the puppy gave Shawn a lick on his lips. "Ew! Take it!" Shawn grimaced, handing the puppy back to Layla, who was uncontrollably giggling, her eyes squinted and her straight teeth showing with the wide grin on her face. 

Layla put the puppy back down and looked around some more. "Fine. Let's pick another- ooh! Hello, cutie pie!" Layla gasped and grabbed a small pup that had white fur, but ears that were light beige, holding it against her chest. "Aw! You're so cute!"

"But he looks so sad." Shawn remarked, looking into the pup's dark brown eyes. 

Irene walked over to the two. "Oh? So I see you've met one of our newest dogs," Irene said, looking at the pup in Layla's hands. "I named him Charlie." 

"Why does he look so sad?" asked Shawn, caressing Charlie's head as Charlie licked Layla's chin repeatedly - but she didn't seem to mind. 

Irene sighed and pouted sadly, "It's very grief." 

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