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i posted a new shawn book called Popular so please read it :)


New York, 1:30 pm

January 31, 2015

reason #6: flowers

Layla began to hum a tune as she tugged on Shawn's hand (which she held because he didn't want to move), leading him to a new batch of flowers. "I don't think this is a very relevant reason, Layla. Flowers? Really?"

She continued to hum, ignoring Shawn's pessimistic remarks. She then let go of Shawn's hands, telling him, "Stay here." before skipping off, disappearing through the racks of flowers in the flower shop. The two of them were the only ones there, besides the three other workers who just patiently waited for the two.

"Layla?" Shawn called, looking around but not bothering to move.

"I said, stay there!" He heard Layla's voice. Shawn sighed and shook his head, taking out his phone and playing a few of his games. He could hear Layla's faint singing. "Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens!" And then she would wait a while before continuing, "Bright copper kettles and warm, woollen mittens. Brown paper packages tied up with strings...these are a few of my favourite things!"

The workers began to laugh; Shawn felt second-hand embarrassment for Layla. But that was all she sung before emerging from the opposite side she left, but this time, a bouquet of flowers, all different. "Okay...why?"

"Sit." She commanded and sat on the ground, criss-cross applesauce, the bouquet of flowers beside her. Shawn glanced at the workers for a second and just sighed, sitting on the ground in front of Layla, thinking: Screw it. I'm never going to see them after this anyways. "Okay...reason number six: flowers!"

"Yes. I kinda guessed that. But why?"

"I'm getting to that." Layla giggled and then picked up a flower - it was a sunflower. "But I decided for flowers to be one of the reasons because - I don't know - they kind of just intrigue me. How each single flower is different from one another, yet all the same. It kind of symbolizes the twenty reasons I'm going to give you; each one would be different, yet each one has one purpose. You get me?"

Shawn nodded slowly. "Yeah,"

"Good. Now, this is a Sunflower. It represents pure thoughts," Layla set the sunflower down, picking up another one. "And this one is an Aster, and it represents patience..." And Layla continued, picking up each flower she had and explaining the meaning of it.

An Anemone, anticipation. A Lily, for majesty. A Gladiolus, for strength of character. A Rose, for love, and a Tulip for the declaration of love. A Sweet Pea, for simple pleasure. Freesia, for innocence. Iris, for compliments.

"And this is an Amaryllis, which represents splendid beauty." Layla handed Shawn the flower and Shawn studied it in his hands, chuckling.

"Splendid beauty, huh?"


Shawn handed it back to Layla. "Here." Layla smiled softly and took it from his hands, setting it gently down with the rest of her flowers. "But flowers...they don't last. They never last, unless it's plastic. It may seem beautiful on the outside, but forget to water them for a week, and there would be nothing but a brown stem and rotten petals on the ground. Plus, they attract bees, and bees sting you, and it hurts."

Layla blinked, looking at Shawn with a dull expression before letting out an exasperated sigh. "And this," she held up another flower, the last one. "Is a Forget-me-not. For your funeral. It's meaning is in the name. It represents true love and remembrance."


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