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New York, 12:50 pm

January 4, 2015

reason #3: the snow

"It's Sunday, that's why there aren't that many people here," Layla stated as the both of them walked down a trail at the park, snow on the ground and the snow still falling. "They're all probably either at school - if their school started early - or at church."

Shawn chuckled and looked beside him, down at Layla, who had her hands tucked in her sweater. She wasn't wearing any glasses today - the first thing Shawn noticed when they met each other on the top of the abandoned building, twenty minutes ago. "You know...you look prettier with your glasses on," Shawn pointed out, still looking at her.

It may have been because of the cold weather, or maybe it was Shawn, but Layla's cheeks turned a crimson colour. "I didn't ask for your opinion," Layla laughed. "But sometimes I don't wear my glasses and just wear my contacts. I look better without them, in my opinion."

"Well, in my opinion - even if you didn't ask - you look pretty with either. But I'd rather you look pretty with your glasses," Shawn shrugged. Layla looked up at Shawn and smiled.

"Thank you, Shawn." she mumbled and looked down at her feet. And then she stopped walking, forcing Shawn to stop walking, as well. She ambled out of the trail, to the field that was once grass but now just white snow. Nobody dared to step on it, until now.

"What are you doing now, Layla?" Shawn groaned, staying where he was. He didn't want to get his shoes dug into the snow.

"If you want your next reason, you have to follow me! Come here, Shawn. Come on, babyboy. Right here, you can do it. Take baby steps," Layla cooed teasingly in a motherly voice, as if Shawn was her child taking first steps. All Shawn did was roll his eyes, sighing and walking over to Layla.

"Okay, what is the next reason?" he questioned, cringing when he felt the snow slip into his shoes, wetting his socks. Layla grinned and bent down, taking snow in her hands and forming it into a ball, chucking it at Shawn and hitting him in the face.

Layla bursted out laughing. "Oh, I'm so sorry, Shawn! I...I didn't meant to hit you in t-the face!" She couldn't stop laughing. "Reason number t-three," she cleared her throat, trying to suppress her laughs. "The snow!"

Shawn wasn't amused; he stood there, his mouth slightly ajar as he wiped off the snow from his face. "I don't like this reason," he grouched and turned around, walking away. He could watch Layla play in the snow as long as she wanted to, but he wasn't going to join her. He wasn't in the mood.

"Oh come on, party pooper! Afraid you'll lose a snowball war?" called Layla from behind, and she threw another snowball at him, which made contact with his back. Shawn stopped walking and clenched his jaw, spinning around to face Layla once again. She held another snowball in her hands.

"You're on, Jackson!" Shawn announced and picked up some snow, but before he had the chance to throw it at Layla, she threw her snowball at him first.

And that was how the snowball war commenced.


"You got it inside my shirt!" Layla laughed and squirmed, shivering as the snow slithered down her back. Both of them were soaked from the snow thrown and melted; they've been on war for what seemed like a long time, but it was only for five minutes. No one was winning, and neither of them cared.

"You got some in mine, too!" Shawn defended, flipping his wet hair out of his face as he grinned. Actually smiled. He picked up some more snow and aimed it at Layla, throwing it at her, accidentally throwing it at her face.

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