Chapter 20, The Nightmare Has Only Just Begun.

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As Y/N saw everything, he quickly stood up and walked over to Sally, he helped her up.

Sally: "Thanks.. By the way, did we just win?"

Y/N: [points over to Sonic and the eyes behind him] "I don't think so, but I feel like we're close to ending this, we've gotta be!"

Sally nods her head in agreement, the eyes behind Sonic disappear, Y/N looks at Sally who looks back at him, they nod their head and slowly walk over to Sonic's unconscious body, Sally picks him up while Y/N goes over to the others and starts shaking them awake, when they see Sonic's unconscious body, their eyes widen.

Tails: "Is that the real Sonic!?"

Sally: "Yes Tails, we won, for now."

Tails immediately dashes over and takes Sonic's body from Sally and holds him close, Amy runs over, along with Cream, Knuckles, and Dr. Eggman.

Eggman: "Wow... did we really end the nightmare?"

Amy: "Please tell me Sonic is okay!"

Cream: "Will mister Sonic be alright?"

Knuckles: "I'm sure he can pull through this, he's pulled through worse!"

Slowly, Sonic begins waking up, his ears perk up and his eyes widen when he sees everyone, he sees Tails his best friend, Knuckles his rival but also friend, Dr. Eggman the villain, Amy his crush, Cream the innocent rabbit, Sally the princess, he looks over at Y/N now, not recognizing him for a moment, then he remembers him as the guy he asked if he knew where the energy in Green Hill was those days ago.

Sonic: "G-guys? W-what happened?"

Tails: "We'll explain it all later, for now, you need rest."

Everyone nods their heads in agreement and they all leave except Y/N, who stays behind, he looks over to where Ruby's body used to be, only to see it gone, he immediately runs over and catches up with the others.

Y/N: "Guys, guys! Ruby is gone! I can't find her body!"

Sally: "What!? How!?"

Y/N: "I-I don't know!"

Sonic: "Who's Ruby?"

Tails: "She was Y/N's pregnant girlfriend, apparently one of Exeller's clones killed her."

Sonic: "Oh.. I'm terribly sorry for your loss."

Y/N: "Thanks, but I'm worried now! Where could her body be!?"

Amy: "Have you searched the entire tower? Go ahead and do that while we help Sonic get back together."

Y/N: "O-okay.."

They all leave now, leaving Y/N behind, and Y/N begins searching the tower, every corner, crevice, inch, everywhere he can find. He eventually finds a hallway that seems eerily dark and slowly begins walking down it, he doesn't bother calling out for Ruby since he knows she's still dead, he turns a corner and suddenly hears footsteps running a different direction, he immediately runs after them, thinking someone has taken Ruby's body for an unknown reason, he turns one more corner and comes across a dead end, he gets confused until her turns around, he sees something out of the corner of his eye that quickly disappears, but he can swear it looked just like Ruby..

Y/N runs down hallways, corridors, around the entire tower, following the footsteps, until he eventually catches them in a dead end, he slowly approaches them and turns the corner, his eyes widen in shock and horror at what he sees.

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