Chapter 24, Collect The Chaos Emeralds!

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Y/N, Knuckles, and Cream all arrive at the top floor of the tower, Knuckles goes to the Master Emerald and closes his eyes, he puts his hand on the Master Emerald and it glows slightly, then it stops and Knuckles sighs, he turns back to Y/N and Cream.

Knuckles: "That thing hid the Chaos Emeralds all across Mobius! There's no way we could get them all back before it starts another war! Any ideas?"

Y/N: "We should let the others know, Sonic's speed will be very useful and Amy's hammer could grant us access to places that are blocked off."

Cream: "Mister Tails and I could fly to high places that no one else can!"

Knuckles: "And Sally can fight off the badniks and Exeller's clones with her sword and shield.. Alright, let's round the others up and let them know our plan."

Y/N and Cream nod in agreement, they go back to the main meeting room, where Sonic, Tails, Amy, and Sally are waiting.

Sally: "Whats up?"

Y/N: "That thing spread the Chaos Emeralds all across Mobius, we need your help too if we want to track them down and get them back."

Sonic: "And how would we do that?'

Knuckles and Cream: "Let Y/N explain."

Everyone falls silent to listen to Y/N's plan.

Y/N: "Alright, so, Sonic, you get the one in Green Hill Zone, since you're the most used to that place. Tails, you get the one in Sky Sanctuary Zone, you are the only one of us that can fly that high. Amy, you get the one in Marble Zone, there are many destroyable walls there you can break with your hammer. Knuckles, you get the one on Angel Island, that's your home and you know the place better than all of us. Cream, you get the one in Spring Yard Zone, your ears would be useful when flying around that bouncy place with them. Sally, you get the one in Scrap Brain Zone, that place is heavily guarded by badniks, but I'm sure you can get through. I'll get the one in Starlight Zone, as that is my own home."

Y/N: "Any questions?"

No one asks any questions.

Y/N: "Alright, pack up and let's go."

Everyone nods their heads and gets ready. Y/N takes a picture of him and Ruby out.

Y/N: [to himself]: "We'll get you back, I promise."

Y/N puts the picture away and they all leave Freedom City and begin heading to where they were designated to go, to get the Chaos Emeralds.


Sonic is dashing around Green Hill Zone at rapid speeds. He destroys badniks with his spindash and dropdash attacks, he rolls through holes in the ground, runs around loopy loops, he runs across water with his quick speed, he runs up the side of the tallest mountain in Green Hill Zone, he makes it to the top and sees the Blue Chaos Emerald on a stone podium, he quickly grabs it and the Green Hill Zone around him changes, the water turns blood red, the sky gets a dark red color and the clouds turn grey, the flowers and tree life start wilting and dying, and there's blood and dead animals everywhere. They don't have much time, the more time they take, the more power Ruby.Exe is gaining.


Tails leaps off of the ground and uses his two tails to propel himself up into the air, he continues flying until he sees Sky Sanctuary in the distance, lasers appear out of nowhere and start going for him, he quickly flies around and avoids them, then he makes it up to Sky Sanctuary Zone and lands on some solid platform. He quickly starts running around, climbing vines, jumping across poles, and destroying a few old badniks, he comes across a weakened Mecha Sonic, Tails quickly uses his tail attacks and spindashes, he defeats Mecha Sonic pretty quickly, then Tails gets to the highest part of Sky Sanctuary and sees the Yellow Chaos Emerald, he quickly grabs it, he looks on in the distance as he sees a few lightning strikes in the dark red sky along with loud growls in the distance, Ruby.Exe is getting stronger every minute they're taking.

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