Chapter 1, A peaceful day.

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Today was a normal day for Y/N, wake up, eat breakfast, and do basically nothing else. a boring life right? Well today Y/N finally got the courage to go outside and chill at Green Hill Zone. So he went outside and took a deep breath of fresh air. he decided to run from his home which is in starlight zone, and go to green hill.

During the run, Y/N felt good, as if nothing bad could go wrong, he avoided any obstacles or robots on the way, as Sonic didn't clear them all coming through his first time, after about 20 minutes of running, Y/N arrived on green hill zone

During the run, Y/N felt good, as if nothing bad could go wrong, he avoided any obstacles or robots on the way, as Sonic didn't clear them all coming through his first time, after about 20 minutes of running, Y/N arrived on green hill zone

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Y/N took a moment to look at the calming waters, some sandy beaches, and loopy loops. He found a nice palm tree and sat down next to it, breathing in the fresh air of green hill and admiring the beautiful landscape, he slowly felt himself drift off to sleep... At least 30 minutes past, and Y/N woke up, a few moments later a blue dash goes right by him, it was no doubt Sonic. Y/N decided to just ignore it, until Sonic came up to him with a friendly smile

Sonic: Hey there!

Y/N: Um.. Hello.

Sonic: Me and my bud Tails found some strange energy readings in green hill, have you seen anything suspicious around here?

Y/N: I don't think so..

Sonic: Oh, well if you see anything "Weird" Let me know okay?

Y/N: Alright.

Sonic: Well, I'll see ya later!

And Sonic dashed off, leaving Y/N to wonder what he could be talking about, Eh, It's Sonic's problem not Y/N's. So he sat by the tree and continued to rest, time skip about an hour later, and he woke up to a gruesome sight...

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