The hungry truth.

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Xaivier was pulled into an empty, darkened room. Before he could shout, the sound of the click of the lock's door rang out. He was pushed into a wall and a chant could be heard as a dim moon lit up the room. He closed his eyes to shield himself, having no idea what to expect from this. His hands flew up to protect his face until he realised that no one was attacking him. Xaivier slowly peeked out one of his eyes and was met with a shadow of another person over the other side of the room back facing him. When he knew it was safe enough, he opened both of them fully.

Xaivier opened his mouth, and a whispered 'shhh' filled the space.

Xaivier had enough light to recognise the figure after his eyes adjusted to the low lighting.

It was that of Peter.

A shimmer formed around the wall's doors and window. He was unsure what it was. But could only guess it would only be bad for him.

Peter hadn't been friendly to him. He had hardly seen the boy at all, only when he was there to gloat or glare at him. Xaivier took out his wand and readied himself for a fight he knew he would only lose. He didn't know as much as Peter did. Knowing very little defensive spells or how it all properly worked in a duel.

"You can put that away." Peter gestured as he leant against a cabinet. Xaivier took this opportunity to take in the room. It appeared he'd been yanked into some sort of storage cupboard. Xaivier didn't let up on his wand, even with Peter having put his away.

"I haven't come here to fight or harm you Xaiv." Peter sighed out when it was made clear Xaivier wasn't too thrilled with what was happening.

"You've locked me in a room and put some sort of spell all over the room. And you want me to believe you aren't going to try to hurt me?" Xaivier's voice was high pitched as he laughed in disbelief.

"It's a spell to make sure no one can hear anything. And I'm here to explain. I'm fed up with how I'm being treated with the guys. I get I haven't always been nice to you. But I want to explain why." Peter told him truthfully.

He sat as far back away from Xaivier as he could to show him, he wasn't a threat.

"I know it wouldn't have escaped your notice how there is a division within the school. Factions that seemed to be there even before you arrived. Well, this isn't just subject to the school. It's all behaviours that's taught from home. One a lot of Magic Yielders grow up learning. And having to stay in their lane or face the consequences of their house."

"If we could skip the history lesson, that would be great. I've had far too many of them in the last couple of weeks and don't need another one now." Xaivier spat out. He was sick and tired of people who thought it best to lecture him instead of coming out and saying what it was. He found it condescending, the more that it was happening over the simplest of things.

Even if he was aware, it came from a good place of wanting him to feel included in the basics. Everyone else had the privilege to grow up knowing.

Peter rolled his eyes.

"I'm not surprised to hear that you're getting schooled over every little thing. It's Hector's way of making sure no man was left behind. Plus, I know he loves to talk about any subject he's allowed to." He laughed.

"This one is needed. But I will keep it brief. The severity of it depends on the house and bloodline. Not everyone agrees with how it's run in society. But not all want to deal with the consequences. My family is no exception. However, for other reasons than what most would think. My family through generations has seen to have brought shame to our house's name. As the consequence to this, my parents impose more on me than most. They put the pressure of wanting me to save our family's name amongst our house and to put to rest the shame at least one person per generation has bought. The disappointment they have suffered from it. So, all traditions I have to be seen to uphold so no more disgrace will befall them. No matter how stupid they are." He grumbled the last part.

Magic Yielder: The last flame. -Edited.-Where stories live. Discover now