Fires breath.

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The rain battered down and brought a sense of foreboding on the impending celebration season for the magic yielders. The season celebrated the end of one of the many wars with the normals, where a long weekend was seen fit by the primms to mark the occasion.

All over the realm, mini parties would be set up on the Friday, the festivities lasting until the Sunday night. One night for each century, it had continued over.

Banners sprung from all directions. The colours adorning the old, styled handwriting on the banner to declare the occasion.

Xaivier scurried down the empty halls, intent on making it on time for his friend. Intent to not let her take the full blame as it was Xaivier's' actions that meant she was in deep waters. Quite literally.

Mr Welks had assumed it was Aella who had flitted them all back over to where they shouldn't have been. But he knew the truth, the truth he would make Mr Welks see at any cost. Aella wouldn't be kicked out if he could help it. Not when they were so close.

Vincent sought out Xaivier earlier that morning to let him know that Aella had been taken to the principal's office the night before, as they believed she was the one who helped them both escape the exam to Xaivier's home.

Aella's parents had been called and were arriving within the next couple of hours to decide if she would continue to be allowed to attend the school. After Xaivier had heard it, his first instinct was to head to the office. The second was to feel the guilt and pressure on his shoulders from how much trouble she was in for his actions.

When Xaivier reached the office, he only waited for two minutes after he knocked on the door with the new lion doorhandle, much to his astonishment, Xavier entered just as he was being told to enter.

"Xaivier. We weren't expecting it to be you that turned up. If you don't mind, we are currently in the middle of something." The principal declared strongly.

"But you don't understand, sir! All of this is wrong. It's not what it seems." He tried to defend.

"I'm sure it is exactly as I've perceived." He countered back.

"Honestly, you do! It had nothing to do with Aella. It was me that flitted us to my house. She just happened to be near me when I did otherwise, she wouldn't have been out there." Xaivier took the breath he so desperately needed after he rushed out his words with no concern over the need for air.

The principal raised his eyebrow in uncertainty. Not for one minute did Mr Welks believe what Xaivier said; there'd been no proof of Xaivier yet being capable of flitting without using the stars. Whoever had flitted Mr Welks detected the magic didn't require the stars themselves and the only one he knew of a first year able to was Aella.

"Aella is the only one in your year that can flit by herself." He enlightened them as he crossed his arms smugly, assuming he'd Xaivier trapped in his lie.

Xaivier focussed Aella, then used his strength to flit to the other side of the room. He showed his hands were bare beforehand for the principal to see he wasn't using anything.

"No stars." He said simply.

Mr Welks blinked at him. He didn't think that he would see that; or be shown that he was wrong. Aella's parents chose then to enter. Aella's father was livid at seeing Xaivier was also present in the room.

The room's temperature dropped a couple of degrees. A shadow loomed further into the room until it completely covered the area Xaivier was standing in. He shivered but had nothing to pull the warmth closer.

Xaivier's voice got stuck in his throat as he glanced at the expression on the man's face. It was clear how much he disliked Xaivier; her father glowered murderously at him in return.

Magic Yielder: The last flame. -Edited.-Where stories live. Discover now