The howling beast.

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The undeniable sound seemed forever unending. Never dying away for any more than three seconds this close. The howl was agonising.

It wrenched the hearts of those around that only encouraged them to take on the loneliness built up inside. The devastating hurt only a wounded animal could feel or tolerate.

Aella covered her ears to block out some of the sound. But now it would never be gone from her soul; stealing a piece to bury itself in sinisterly.

The sound wasn't quiet, as pulling as it was last time. Almost as if the connection wasn't there with her specifically. Instead, it was Xaivier who was connected to the animal. He didn't understand why, as he'd never met Aella's little sister.

Aella shook her head backwards and forwards to focus harder. They were more than aware of the dangers of continuing; Knowing it was only right to keep going, with a wrenching feeling spilling through Aella's body at any thought of her turning back.

All she could keep in her mind was being reunited with her sister at long last.

To finally get the truth out. To know why her parents had covered Aine up; including their tracks.

"Any of you are more than welcome to leave. But I'll be going to the end." She warned, to give them a way out before it became unbearable.

"Unlike you lot. I came prepared." Peter chided; arms folded, exuding smugness for being smart for once.

They were all taken aback when he took out the off-white chunky liquid in a crystal clear glass bottle from his hoodie pocket.

"Oh, please... I can be nice." He scoffed and rolled his eyes as the rest of the unsaid words were understood.

When he wanted to be.

"We should continue forward. Everyone take some of the potion." Xaivier softly barked out.

They each took a swig of the stuff and grimaced as the taste hit their tastebuds. The dirt ground ash left its mark on the tip of their tongue to indicate the spell was working to change their scent to a more soothing and desirable one for the beast.

"Do you think it's working?" Aella whispered, unsure of herself.

"Must be. I can see the colour and texture on your tongue." Vincent shrugged it off.

Xaivier went to stand at the help of the group, ready to lead them all forward, even though he had only seen the place a couple of times in Aella's memory.

Without alerting them, he walked forward at a slow pace to not get too far ahead before any of them noticed he'd started on in their mission.

"The halls are a lot longer than what you'd expect it be. But there shouldn't be many people. Only a handful are allowed to be in this place. Always expect the unexpected, though, right?" Aella's question was more rhetorical while she ran to catch up with him.

"Exactly." Hector sang as he skipped up to join the two of them.

By the time the others joined, they formed an impenetrable wall. All walking in the same direction but in a different manner to one another that only highlighted their differences.

Aella put her arm out to stop them all from going any further. The sound of the howl was slowly evaporating the more they walked in that direction.

"I think we might be going the wrong way. Everything echoes from every direction in this place." She concluded.

They began to confer with one another.

"I need you all the shut up." Aella told them as she tilted her head to the side to concentrate on the faint sound of the beast's only song.

Magic Yielder: The last flame. -Edited.-Where stories live. Discover now