Babe pt.2

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A/ n : you guys really wanted a pt2 so I hope you like it, I kinda thing it could've been better but don't hate me I tried 😭😭

Narrator POV

2 and half years. 912.5 days. 21,900 hours is the amount of time that's passed.

Taylor had her own journey and so did y/n. The two have seen each other in passing at award shows and parties but never interacted. Every time Taylor began to make her way to the younger girl, Y/n seemed to slip away. Always managing to miss her former lover.

The two are set to present an award together and just as you would think they're both nervous.

Taylor's POV

"Tree I don't know if I can do this" I said but it came out louder than I expected, probably because my heart is thumping so loud in my chest right now it's probably sending echos through my whole body.

"Taylor you go on say your line and get off stage you've performed on bigger stages I think you'll be just fine" tree said causing me to roll my eyes

I sat in my dressing room as my mind raced, however my heart raced faster. I'm honestly surprised that I haven't passed out yet. I get to stand next to y/n after 2.5years I feel like a kid on Christmas. After what happened between the two of us I did a lot of work on myself and I really accepted that I'm into y/n. She's the love of my life and I let her slip away. Tonight is going to change that....well at least I hope it does if I can get over being a wimp.


Neither of the two girls knew just how nervous they were. Y/n was a stuttering mess and Taylor was literally paralyzed the internet played it off as the two were both just drunk but little did they know the two were equally a nervous wreck.

After the award was persented they went back stage and instead of following her guide towards her dressing room Taylor followed y/n

Taylor knocked on y/n's door and waited for the girl to answer but once she did they both stood there shocked by the blondes action that lead them to this unforeseen situation.

The air was thick and tensions were high but y/n melted looking into the blue orbs that belonged to the blonde singer.

"Can I come in" Taylor shyly asked as y/n didn't reply besides stepping aside and closing the door once Taylor was in.

"I- I don't know what I'm doing here or why I'm doing it here but I just need to tell you. Y/n the last 2.5 years have been treacherous. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for leading you on and putting you through what I put you through. You didn't deserve that, no one does but especially not you. You're so sweet and you're everything I'd ever wished for and I fucked it up because I was scared to ruin my image but y/n I know now that I'd ruin my self a million little times. You're worth everything in the world. I want you if you'll have me. I'll never make you regret giving me another chance I just- I- just need you, you shown me colors you know that can't see with anyone else. When I wake up I want it to be next you. When I go to sleep I want it to be next you. When I get good news you're the one I want to call. It's you y/'re it for me, I love you y/n y/l/n" Taylor' said taking y/ns hands into her own as she confessed her love for the shorter girl.

"I- I love you too tay, but it's gonna take some time to trust you" y/n confessed with watery eyes as Taylor nodded and looked at y/n wishing to kiss her and as if the shorter girl read her lovers mind she smiled and said "kiss me you idiot"

Taylor engulfed you into a kiss and as soon as their lips locked passion filled the air and tears were shed on both parties accounts Taylor pulled away ever so slightly leaving a inch of space the two as she cupped y/na cheek still as she moved her thumbs up to wipe away y/n's tears while cupping her face

"Babe, don't cry" Taylor mumbled as y/n chuckled while crying

"You started crying first" Y/n  pointed out as she chuckled bittersweetly

"Promise me you won't mess this up" y/n whispered  causing Taylor to rapidly nod her head.

"I promise" Taylor repeated the sentence what felt like a million times until y/n cut her off with a kiss and pulled away when air became a problem. The shorter girls action was cut short when Taylor instantly reached over and laced their hands together to fill her need of having her lover near by the blondes action soon washed away her fear of y/n figuratively and literally slipping away from her.

Time skip 5 years later

The two were engaged and expecting a baby via a surrogate. They had some bumps in the road along the way, however it was hardly ever that often there were a few times where the two sit and argue in the kitchen for hours sometimes yelling but they'd come to an understanding and point out how much they needed to work together rather than against each other.

It was only now that the two had surpassed their trust issues and fears of being fully committed to one another that they'd become engaged and were expecting a baby.

"Taylor it is now your turn for the vows" the pastor said as Taylor smiled holding y/n's hand in her own

"I often think back on us... where we first started and see not only how far we've come but how much I've grown in being in love with you, I've loved you since the day I met you and it's only grown over time. There's no doubt in my mind that all that we have been through has shaped us for this moment and all that there is to come. Y/n the night I met you at Gigi's house I knew that you were it for me, you didn't treat me any differently because of who I was you got to know me the real me and I did the same. You were the light that filled that whole room, and you've now shared it with me. You've shown me how to live in the moment and not fear the reactions of others or the consequences of my overthinking. You're truly the light of my life, my love...and standing front of you makes nothing but over joyed to face life side by side next to you my love I promise to be there with you as long as you'll have me. I'll be by your side in your darkest times and you're happiest, I'll be there when you want to lounge on the couch, anywhere, any situation I'll be by your side darling " Taylor recited her vows as she stared into y/n's eyes

"Ladies and gentleman I pronounce you Mrs. And Mrs. Swift" the pastor said as y/n and Taylor's closest friends and family cheered them on as the two engulf in a kiss that was filled with love and passion

Later Taylor and y/n were both dancing the night away . It was already late and most people left or are sitting down talking at their tables too tired from dancing all night leaving the newly weds to have the dance floor to themselves.

"Were really made it" y/n whispered as she held contact with her lover

"I know right?, we survived the Great War babe" Taylor replied with a face eating grin causing y/n to do the same thing before they leaned in for a longing kiss.

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