Black Mizel

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 Naoki's face was grim and sullen when he called them that night. Everyone swallowed as they sat to hear his report. " I'm afraid the results are quite... intriguing if not to say the least."

" Spit it already Naoki!" Eva's patience had run thin and she was too anxious to have to deal with any more delays. She wanted it over with already.

" It's better if you see it for yourself first, the virus code," Naoki said as he sent them a copy of the codes he had been analyzing all day. Eva quickly skimmed through them, her eyes jumping from one line to another before her jaws clenched upon reaching the end.

" I know it's hard to believe but..."

" Let me see." Kirito was growing impatient and couldn't bear not looking at the piece of coding sent to them.

" We're confused as well, we don't understand how it happened at all."

" Anyone cares to explain to us?" Elie was annoyed at being left in the dark. At that moment, Kirito clicked his tongue.

" It's... similar to the main program of Mizel, however..."

" The electronic signature is that of the World Savers." Eva continued, incurring befuddled looks from her friends.

" Mizel's main program, with the signature of the World Savers? What does this mean?" Hiro asked worriedly.

" It means the world's worst fear has come true..." Mirai stood up and glared down at the codes scrolling on the screen. " Mizel, one of the strongest AIs known to mankind up until now, is now used by terrorists."...


" Hm..." Deep within the darkness of the deep web, among the data floating from one bubble to another, most of them corrupted with a certain virus flowing within them, a sole figure floated in the sea of bits and numbers.

A glowing screen was displayed before him, showing statics and readings of the last operation while he held his chin, inspecting it carefully. " An intelligent method, I'm surprised not to say the least."

A smirk appeared on his face, feeling rather thrilled at the possible existence of a challenge. " Seems I no longer need to operate from the shadow."

The screen faded with a wave of his hands and the flow of data stopped before it changed direction, rushing around. " It's time humans hand over this world to the next race. And I will be..." With another wave, a hologram of the globe manifested with orbits around it. " ... The comet that will wipe them out."


The truth hit them hard. Mizel and the World Savers, two threats thought to have been overcome, are brought back to the world.

They sat down in the living, unable to take in the new piece of information, trying to wrap their minds around the whole thing. " How...?" Ban finally muttered, unable to keep it all inside his mind.

" The government said there was no way to scavenge Mizel's data once more to make sure he wouldn't be used at all." Kirito ran a hand through his hair before he gritted his teeth. " But now we have a virus with Mizel's main program implemented into it. Those government people have a lot to explain."

" The World Savers though." Mirai shot up, looking at him. " Their leaders and members were apprehended, so how on earth..."

" Maybe some of them managed to escape," Elie suggested.

" It doesn't matter." Eva's voice came as loud and cold as it could ever be. " All that matters now is to stop them, the ones behind these attacks."

Everyone looked at each other and then at Eva, unsure what to say. A lot of things happened, a lot of feelings were mixed up and there was a lot to be said. Still, they couldn't find words to express them.

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