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 Back in N city, no one knew of the danger gazing at them from above, no one could have thought that something as large as a satellite was crossing the space in their direction. They walked about the streets tending to their chores and everyday life. For them, it was just another peaceful day.

Lilyan merely smiled proudly as she finished the last of her rehearsal and was walking back home, she looked up at the sky as she imagined the grand day of her recital. The day she would be playing her own music in front of a large crowd. Though she felt nervous imagining it, it was also thrilling all the same. A new experience she had never had before. " I should probably call Ban-kun and the others when I head back home."

As she hummed to herself while passing the center of the city with many streets crisscrossing and buildings touring over the mass of people speeding by, a very familiar voice caught her attention.

" To all mankind, I've brought a message for all of you." Her feet dragged to a halt and her heart beat rapidly as she dared to look back at the large screen of the highest building there. A very familiar face peered down at her.

" Mizel..."

" In the coming 48 hours, I'm going to thoroughly demolish every last one of your race. You've inhabited this world far too long and it's time a new race took the lead from here on. You don't believe me? Then here you go..."


" What in the world..." Even Jessica was at a loss of words from what she was seeing on her CCM. Mizel was supposed to be gone, they all thought that, every government assured them of that.

For a moment, she felt happy, that was until he declared his message to humanity. " 3 hours from here, N City would be nothing by a giant crater. As of now, a giant satellite is moving down towards it." His picture was replaced by that of the simulation map.

" This is bad!" Jack exclaimed from his spot near Jessica as he realized what an announcement like that would only mean.


" Resisting is futile. First N City, next is the rest of the world. There is no place to hide, try as you may, but the human race would finally meet its end." Lilyan's eyes stayed fixed upon the screen as people cried out and jostled past her. She stood there, all the colors and sounds were blocked out as the truth that Mizel stated sank in. She was going to die. The whole city was going to ruins. And no one was able to do anything about it, no one but...

" Ban-kun..." If there was anyone Lilyan trusted with her life, if there was anyone she knew would stop at nothing to save them, it was Ban. She knew he was watching, she knew he wouldn't stand still as N City got annihilated. 

He never did. 

Holding her fist tightly into her chest and glaring back at the image of the smirking Mizel, she willed her racing heart to calm down. " He will save us, I know he would..."


Ban gritted his teeth as he watched the video broadcasted by Black Mizel before he ran his hand through his hair, considering the situation at hand. Lilyan and a bunch of their friends were there. With 3 3-hour limit, he doubted the whole of N City's citizens would be evacuated in time. " Director Uzaki, there are reports of growing mass panic all over N City. The airports, subways, and trains' systems had been shut down." Kirino reported after checking on the Director's computer, Kirito haven't yet returned her tablet.

" This way they will be all trapped in there." Kirito clicked his tongue as he looked down at the tablet, the point representing the satellite was speeding down towards Earth.

" We need to do something, now!" Ban said looking desperate. No one could blame him.

" As much as I want to help but..." Hiro began, sounding hesitant.

" Mizel has the whole of the infinity net under his control, even with Otacross' machine, we can't dream of defeating him the way we're now." Mirai began. " He could rewrite the whole of the infinity net the way he wants like this. He can defeat our LBXs with a flick of his finger."

William tapped his chin in thoughts before his blue eyes widened for an idea had just crossed his mind. " No, maybe there is a way." He stated, catching their attention. " We need your help, Eva. Eva?"

It was then that they realized they were missing one person. " Where the heck did she go to?!" Kirito questioned impatiently. Eva had a tendency to disappear when he wasn't looking yet that was hardly a convenient time for that.

" Right. I saw her slip away when the broadcast started, thought it might have been too much for her." Kirino pointed out.

Kirito pondered over her words for a second before something clicked at the back of his mind. " Oh no, she isn't actually doing it..."

" Doing what? Is there something you're not telling us, Kirito?" Mirai's tone was so grave several of them took a few steps away from her.

Kirito took a moment to make up his mind before he faced the blunette. " She is facing Mizel directly."


The streets were crowded it was hard to even find a place to stand in. Everyone wanted out of the city but it wasn't possible. The mass panic had caused several traffic accidents along the streets, making it all but impossible to leave the city via vehicles.

Many had abandoned their cars and opted to make their way on foot but there was no tell how far the damage could extend. Was there somewhere safe at all for them?

Lilyan watched all of that from the side of the main highway, right from within the truck of the Fire Sweets as they tried their best to calm the terrified people and lead them to safety. It was hard however considering that they could hardly afford to save them at the moment.

" This is taking us nowhere," Jessica grunted as she approached her and took off her helmet. " Unless we find some way to stop the satellite, we're all done for." It was Jessica who had called her the moment the broadcast ended, asking her to meet up and ensuring she was close by at all times, saying Ban wouldn't let her live if she ever allowed any harm to befall his girlfriend.

" I'm sure Ban-kun and the rest back in Japan are trying to work something out," Lilyan stated almost absentmindedly. Jessica looked at her confident face and had a smile on her face. " You truly trust him that much, huh? I guess it's all the more reason to save you so you could reunite with him. Hold on a sec." Jessica reached her hand into her comm as she received a call. " Is that you, Yuuya?"

" I'm reporting from NICS HQ." Their friend's voice came through the comm. " We've just received a call from Seekers back in Japan. Ban-kun and the rest are working on solving the problem so hang on there for as long as you can."

" I don't need you to tell me twice. You can depend on me, I won't let anyone get hurt." As she ended the call, she turned back to Lilyan with a broad grin. " Your boyfriend is already on the move to save you." As Lilyan flustered and stuttered, Jessica laughed out loud and returned to the hassle, putting her helmet on and supporting the evacuation effort. Her friends in Japan were doing what they could, and she as well needed to give it her all.

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