White Vs Black

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The light was so bright that not even those who were watching what was happening through the screen could bear it and they had to shield their eyes.

When it faded away, a sleeping green-haired boy could be seen in Eva's arms.

" Mizel!" Her face was torn between crying and smiling, that she ended up doing both.

The boy in her arms gave a groan and opened his eyes slowly before he was strangled by her. " You... why you should always give us so much trouble..."

" Eva...?"

" For real..." Mirai's eyes were glossed over with tears as she ruffled his hair. " You're much more annoying than Hiro..."

" Just for how many times do we need to save you?" Hiro heaved a relieved sigh as he approached them. " Welcome back, troublesome younger brother."

Mizel was still befuddled, he couldn't process what was happening. However, the warm welcome made him smile.

Everyone back at Goliath exchanged smiles at that, all happy and relieved. It wasn't until Kousuke caught their attention. " Oi, we defeated Black Mizel, right?"

" True, we did!" Elie told him happily. Kousuke then pointed his finger at a side screen.

" Then why isn't the satellite stopping?"

" Huh!" Everyone rushed to the said screen. True for his words, the satellite was still speeding down to N City with only 15 minutes left before it entered an irreversible course.

" What happened!" The door slid open, letting in a flustered Haruka. She gasped when she saw the screen they were huddled around.

" Why? I don't understand!" Kirito ran a hand through his hair. " Black Mizel is gone!"

" No..." William bit on his lip as he checked the logs again. " He isn't..."

Mizel's eyes snapped wide open as he felt it. A large swelling mass of data was taking form behind him and he had so little time to react. Squeezing whatever strength he had, Mizel held up his hand and put a shield around them just as an energy eruption occurred.

The weakened sphere couldn't withstand that much damage and it broke down with all the LBXs forming it. Smoke covered the area and made it all but impossible to discern the source of the attack.

It took a moment for Mizel and the others to hoist themselves up and take in their surrounding. A figure appeared on the other side of the smoke screen. A very familiar figure.

Mizel's eyes widened at the boy who emerged from the smoke and smirked down at them.

" H-How... if I was extracted, you should..."

" You're underestimating me," Black Mizel's tone was laced with utter derision. " I have the world's strongest servers by my side. Copying my main program was no big feat. When I realized I was going to be erased, I prioritized conserving my data. And so managed to create my own core program before you were extracted out."

Mizel clicked his tongue.

" Now, what're you going to do? Fight?" Lightning sparked in his right hand threateningly as he walked up to them. " You don't have strength nor backup to do so."

Mizel flicked his eyes momentarily to the trio by his side. Recognizing the danger they were in, he made a decision. He searched the logs in his memory till he found the right address, the one Eva was using to ping him all that time. " I will take it from here on."

" Huh?" They looked up at him wide-eyed.

" I'm the only one who could fight him!"

" Don't be ridiculous!" Eva cried standing to her feet. " We're fighting this fight together!"

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