Let's do the things you never do

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Let's do the things you never do
Singing out loud to ever song
See me every day all week long
Meeting family or a few
Let's do the things you never do

Let's see the places no one sees
Actions that give me the stability
Showing your heart and vulnerability
You make this all such a breeze
Showing me places no one sees

I'll give you things you never got
The person who wants you for you
Tears, laughs, and all we go through
Someone who appreciates you a lot
I'll give you the things you never got

Let's have the moments all the time
Of staring in each others eyes
Making one laugh after cries
This thing is worth the climb
So let's have these moments all the time

Now let me look at you again
You bring peace to me in every glance
I never thought I'd have a chance
To be with one of the best men
Now let me look at you again

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