We're friends... right?

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Calliope opened her eyes, for whatever reason she didn't feel nauseated nor did she feel any headaches. Oddly enough she felt a large weight gone from her head as if a block had been destroyed, she felt whole and awake after a very long time. 

"You have got to stop fainting on me!" Calliope turns to the door to see Clary already grinning from ear to ear, holding a tray. "I swear I'll have gray hairs because of you before we even get to find mom."

"It's not like I can help it," Calliope chuckled as she watched Clary place the tray to the side before she sat on the bed.

"Luke is okay," the redhead smiled at the brunette, seeing her visibly relax when she heard this news. "And I might know where the cup is."

"Like actually?" Calliope asked her.

"Mom's tarot cards. The one Dot always played around in the shop."

And somehow it clicked in Calliope's head… of course it would be the cup card. "The only question is, how are we going to get the cup?"

"Reach in," Calliope tells her, "I think I saw mom do it before," she tells her. And it just seemed to dawn on Clary on what Calliope said.

"You got your memories back?"

"Some of them at least," Calliope admitted, "still fuzzy but I can recall some things. Like the talent show in 7th grade."

"I don't remember much about 7th grade," Clary frowned, wondering what the significance of it was to Calliope.

"It's better that you don't," Calliope admitted, remembering that creepy thing that attacked her in the middle school auditorium. She had no idea how in hell she was able to forget that but maybe it was the angel who blocked it for her, she frankly didn’t know nor did she care. She glanced at the tray Clary brought in. There was a bowl, a mug and some toast, from the smell of it she knew the mug was hot chocolate. Seeing as Calliope had been eyeing the said mug, Clary chuckled before handing it to the brunette.

Moving to the side, Calliope pats the now vacant space for Clary to crawl into which the redhead did. Laying her head on the brunette's shoulder in the process while Calliope drank her hot chocolate.

"So what's with you and Alec—"

"Jesus Christ, Clary," Calliope almost spat out mid drink. She could hear her sister giggling from beside her for the state she was in.

"What? It was a normal question," the redhead grinned, earning herself a shove from her brunette sister.

"I almost choked to death," Calliope glared at her, setting the hot chocolate on the side table, wiping her mouth clean with the back of her hand.

"I don't know, last night he was pretty pissed at Magnus when he saw you passed out again," Clary explained, remembering how angry Alec looked at both her and Magnus after he carried Calliope into a room. And proceeded to sit in the room making sure that she wasn’t alone once she woke up. It was a side that Clary wasn’t sure was completely Alec, seeing as the whole time she’s been in the same room as him he would never fail to tell her how much of an inconvenience she has been.

"What happened last night?" Calliope asked her curiously.

Clary fell silent for a bit, fidgeting her fingers on top of her lap. Unsure how to start telling her twin sister the events and revelations of last night without questioning herself and her sanity. "I think it's better for us to talk to Luke now."

It was a slap on the face once Luke told them the truth. Their mother didn't just hide the shadow world from them, nor did she hide the fact that Valentine was their father. They have a brother… had a brother.

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