Croissants and Promises

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“Something is wrong with Magnus.”

Calliope looked up from the screen as she turned to Alec who seemed distraught with the words he said, watching him pace around in front of her. “I can't put a pin on what, but I know something’s not right,” he adds as he continued to pace around.

“Well, tell me what's wrong,” Calliope says, leaning against her seat, curious at what was bothering Alec. From her recent experience if he was feeling off put, it had a reason, and from her training she knew better than to not trust that feeling.

“I called him earlier, asked him what he knew about Azazel. He said he was busy with clients… he’s never too busy to help us,” Alec explained before turning to Calliope who looked like she was considering his words.

“Are you sure? He could really be busy with clients, you seem to forget that warlocks aren't always so keen in helping shadowhunters,” she reminds him, though she found the ick of saying it out loud as if she hadn't confided in Magnus before. “And don't you think he’d refuse to help you after that failed summoning? It could've exhausted Magnus.”

Alec purses his lips, uncertainty still in his face that Calliope knew was not going to disappear any time soon. “Fine,” she sighed.

“Fine, what?” Alec asked her.

“We’ll go see Magnus right now,” she tells him, closing every tab she had on the computer in front of her.

“You don't have to, I can go by myself—”

“I’m doing this for work, Alec. And for Magnus. I haven't gotten the chance to see him after last night,” Calliope explained, motioning for him to follow behind her. “Now come on, the sooner we get there, the sooner we get to relax a bit knowing he's okay.”

By the time both of them arrived at Magnus' apartment, Calliope already knew something was wrong. Something in her gut told her to prepare herself, but unfortunately for her Alec didn't sense that. The part where Alec seemed to be familiar and comfortable in walking in the building made the brunette believe that he frequented Magnus' while she was gone. Not that there was anything wrong with that, there shouldn't be anything wrong with that.

“Mags?” Alec knocked on the door, from his tone he was obviously anxious. “Magnus, it's me and Calliope, open the door.”

The door opens revealing Magnus looking like his usual self, still in the same clothes he wore during Azazel’s attack at the institute. Calliope took a mental note of it.

“What are you both doing here?” Magnus asked, letting them into his apartment. And right away Calliope could feel the demonic energy in the room, it was too strong to be Magnus' warlock energy. “I already told you that I was busy.”

“We were worried,” Alec explained, motioning to Calliope who was cautiously looking around the area. “Plus, when you refuse to help us when we need you, you're not usually like that.”

“I am busy,” Magnus sharply says, “you both need to leave.”

“Where is he?” Calliope spoke up for the first time since entering the room. Magnus visibly stiffened at her words.

“Where is who?” Magnus asked stiffly.

“Tsk, I thought I told you to get rid of them,” a voice spoke from behind Calliope, knocking Magnus back when he attempted to approach her and away from Azazel’s way.

The demon’s power knocked both Calliope and Alec back, but in a quick thought Alec shot an arrow right at Azazel’s core. The faint glow from Calliope's eyes had the demon paralyzed on the spot, enough for Alec’s arrow to meet its mark.

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