New set of eyes

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"I don't know what's wrong with her," Magnus frowned in worry as he watched Calliope who sat on the bed in her room, with Jocelyn and Clary beside her. The events of the evening flew fast, after they all witnessed Jace leave with Valentine, Calliope's vision ceased to function, with her claim that she could only see white, her irises no longer had the blue glow, only a foggy white color. "I could contact a friend of mine, but I doubt he'd have seen something like this before."

Jocelyn pursed her lips, turning to her daughter who, despite being blind at the moment, confronted her twin sister who sobbed from beside her. "Will a heavenly object help?"

Magnus frowned. "If you're hiding more mortal instruments—"

"I'm not," Jocelyn shakes her head. "Please, Magnus. Tell me how to fix her."

"Jocelyn, the last time you asked for my help—"

"I know!" Jocelyn cuts him off, tears starting to form in her eyes. Unsure how to fix her little girl, unsure of how she can cure her daughter from whatever it was that Valentine did to her. "I know what happened, but this is different, Magnus. You can ask me anything, just please, cure my baby girl. Please Magnus," Jocelyn begged. The thought of one of her girls in this state made her want to find Valentine herself and make him pay for what he did.

"I'll see what I can do," Magnus nods, turning to Calliope who had a small smile on her lips, patting Clary's hair despite not being able to accurately see.

None of them knew what happened to Calliope after Jace left with Valentine, all they know was that after Valentine left, Calliope could no longer see what was ahead of her.

Alec who noticed the fog forming in the brunette's eyes, he felt his heart drop when he asked her how many fingers he was holding up without really doing anything. He watched as the blue in her eyes grew grey and foggy, it was of course until he saw the purplish veins from her neck swell. That's how they knew Valentine did something to her.

"Stop pacing around, Alec," Isabelle tries to calm her older brother down, watching him as he practically embedded shoe patterns on the marbled floors in the ops center. "We'll find Jace, we'll get a cure for Calliope—"

"We're not really looking," Alec gritted, slamming his fist on the table, gritting his teeth as he did so. “And why aren't you as worried as I am? Your friend is currently blind, our brother was kidnapped by a mass murderer—”

“Of course I’m worried for Calli and Jace,” Isabelle frowned, “but my pacing around and bossiness has never and will never not involve walking around yelling at people.”

Alec stopped his pacing and looked at his sister before sighing, “I’m sorry,” he apologized, looking up from his hands to see Isabelle visibly relaxed, her red lips forming a deep frown, her perfectly arched brows furrowed. “What do we know at least?” He asked her instead.

Isabelle starts typing things on her computer, Alec walking closer to see what it would be. Peeking from her shoulder to see an array of security footage from where he and Jace confronted Hodge. “It's by a body of water, there's a possibility that Valentine has his base in the bay, the only problem is that we don't know where on the bay he’s on.

Alec swore under his breath as he stared at the way Jace spoke through the ring he took from Hodge. “And Calliope?”

“We don't know what's wrong with her, Valentine must’ve injected something into her that caused this. I looked into her blood for some toxicology testing, nothing was too out of the ordinary, except—”

“except, what?” Alec scrunched his brows together, “what do you mean by that?”

“Her blood tinged gold, Alec. I tested it and it showed her angelic properties were higher than ours would've,” Isabelle explained.

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