Charming Englishman

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Trigger warning: Drug use and withdrawal symptoms

“How good is your french?” Ezekiel asked, entering the briefing room with just one duffle bag. So casual as if he didn't physically bind Calliope to him while she watched Isabelle almost drown to her death at the Iron sisters’ purity trial. “I could teach you if you want, add it to the list of things I can teach you aside from being a shadowhunter and looking good while doing it.”

Calliope raised a brow at him, sharply tossing him a thin knife from her belt that he barely dodged himself but Adrian who walked just behind caught. “Darn, I thought I could catch you this time,” Calliope sighed at Adrian who tossed her the knife just as casually as she brushed off the fact that she tried to kill him and Ezekiel in one go.

“You're getting better with aim, but a little slow with the throw. We can work on that.”

“Are we ignoring the fact that she threw a knife at my face?” Ezekiel frowned, glaring at the nonchalant two who started to inspect their respective bags.

“Why are you sensitive, Gerardis? There's no issue here,” Adrian asked, zipping up his bag before leaning against the table, overlooking Calliope's bag. “Why pack so many clothes? We’ll only be there for two weeks.”

“Which is why I packed this much,” Calliope deadpanned, zipping up her bag but not before pushing away Ezekiel who was peeking at the smaller square pack that contained her underwear.

“You are aware that we’re going to Paris, right?”

Calliope gave Ezekiel an icy look who just lifted his arms up in surrender. Not because he was any wrong, but because he implied that they were just going to buy new clothes anyway. Calliope certainly didn't have that much considering that she had just become a fully functioning and authorized shadowhunter. She didn't even know if she was getting paid, the question she asked Izzy where they get the money to buy clothes from months ago remained unanswered.

“Just saying, the Fairchilds were a loaded family.”

“Yes, with their riches being absorbed by the Clave as punishment for siding in the rebellion,” Francesca says, walking into the briefing room, Elijah absent which was the usual as he was always in meetings with Higher ups. “I’ll be the one to send you all off, the portal is ready for you,” she says before handing Calliope a card.

“What's this?” She asked, not knowing what the card was for. It was a sleek black card, a series of numbers etched in gold, and yet no name was shown to who it was for.

“Pocket change,” Francesca coolly says before walking ahead of them.

“Pocket change—” Calliope's jaw dropped when she realized what it was.

Ezekiel whistled, “No wonder, Francesca was so frugal before,” he says, taking the card from Calliope’s hand which now looked as pale as her crestfallen face. “It was to spoil her dear niece!”

“Oh shut it Gerardis, move it!” Francesca barked at him, snapping Calliope out of her trance and walking towards the now opened portal.

“Thank you for this Francesca,” she thanked the woman who merely nodded her head.

“Think of your location, or else you’ll—”

“End up in limbo… I know,” Calliope sighed, walking into the portal, it only took a few seconds for her to see the end of the portal.

Now the scenes changed, the swirling portal now showed another familiar scene of an ops center filled with shadowhunters. All the same, dressed in black pants and black leathers, runes decorating their arms and neck.

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