Finding You

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Alec snapped for the nth time that day, now facing Lydia while the blonde was surrounded by equally angry people. Angry with her due to the fact that she was the last person Calliope Fairchild was with before she was sent away, not even a goodbye.

"It was for her own good," Lydia tried to reason, "and with Valentine and Jace still on the loose, any other place is much more secure than this institute—"

"Says who? You?" Alec growled, "Calliope Fairchild is one of the New York institute's soldiers that you transferred without our warrant!"

"Calliope Fairchild is not one of your soldiers, she's had minimal training on the field, nor did she have her rune ceremony. And I don't need your warrant, Aldertree is the current temporary head. I was told to use discretion in any outcome that may befall on Calliope's whereabouts," Lydia explained, ignoring the piercing glares from everyone who cared for Calliope. Taking a deep breath knowing fully well that this was what she signed up for when she decided to not let Calliope come back to the institute.

"I didn't even get to say goodbye! She's my twin sister and you didn't even let me see her before she left!" Clary angrily yelled, held back by her own mother and Isabelle who by no means did not back down from mentally murdering Lydia, or so she assumes.

"She will be taken care of wherever she is, trained by the best," was all Lydia could say, tucking her hands behind her back, "if you'll excuse me, I'll be reporting to Aldertree." And she walked away. Away from the angrily crying Clary and her mother's comforting, away from Isabelle's furious look in her eye, and away from Alec's enraged one.

"We have to rescue my sister," Clary spoke up, turning to Alec and Isabelle.

"We don't even know where she could be," Isabelle sighed, turning to Clary with a thin frown on her lips. "I'll try to contact some friends in LA in case Lydia sent her there."

"Why would Lydia send her there?" Clary asked, confused.

"Because the Blackthorns were good friends to Fairchilds before the revolt," Alec pursed his lips.

"We have to do something! Please, Alec, Isabelle," Clary begged. But even with her begging, Alec and Isabelle knew that Lydia was right. With Valentine on the loose, the safest place for Calliope was not in the institute. The only damning problem now was where Lydia sent her. They have doubts that they would just send her willy-nilly to Alicante where lesser people would be thrilled to take in Valentine's daughter. Especially now with her being injected with something abnormal.

"We have to find Jace first before doing anything else," Alec says, turning around from the group to a monitor, Isabelle following closely behind.

"My sister could be in who knows where, what makes you think she'd be safe anywhere—"

"Clary!" Jocelyn scolded her daughter, pulling her back before motioning for Isabelle who stayed back a bit, to go ahead. "Your sister will be okay," she cupped her daughter's face.

"How can you be sure? You said we'd be safe not knowing anything about the shadow world, and look where we are now! If anything happens to Calliope, I... I don't know what to do!" Clary ended up snapping, tugging her hand away from her mother who desperately clung onto her. Leaving the woman unsure if her decisions on waiting to tell her girls the truth was right in the first place.

"Are you done?" Isabelle walked into Alec's room, just as he was preparing himself for their next mission. Investigating gyms and dojos.

"Done with what?" Alec raised a brow at his sister who leaned against his dresser, an uncertain frown on her red lips.

"Done sulking because you didn't get to say goodbye and make peace with Calliope for something you did," she narrated, now walking towards his bed, sitting on it as she kept looking at Alec who tries to fix his hair in an attempt to avoid the conversation. Failing of course.

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