Why we failed- 9 A song of Salutation and Setbacks

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Authors Note: Hello friends, I hope you enjoy this one. That being said, let me know if you prefer me to alternate between the past and present every chapter. I can do so if that is what everyone wants. I just figured it would have been best to get the past finished first so we could just focus on the present after this done going forward. Let me know.


Why we failed part- 9

A Song of Salutations and Setbacks

The grandeur of the tournament grounds stood in stark contrast to the somber, overcast sky, a light drizzle misting the thousands of spectators. The lush green meadow just outside Castle Town was abuzz with anticipation, a vivid tapestry of Hyrulean races congregating. Amidst the Hylian nobility, leaders from nearby regions and dignitaries from foreign lands, Princess Zelda gracefully alighted from her coach moments earlier, drawing admiring gazes and courteous bows from the assembled spectators. Her loyal attendant, Gastinoe taking every care to shield her from the rain with an umbrella.

To her dismay, Helmsworth had departed looking the other way when she broke free from the high lord's grip. All she could think about was wiping away the sloppy kiss planted on her cheek. For the rest of the evening, she would have to make do with the stain of his breath lingering on her skin. A beguiling aroma of mint and lemon that would serve as a constant reminder of the forced kiss he gave her. But she knew better than to make a fuss. All eyes were on them, and she knew what she had to do to keep up with appearances. After all, the kingdom was watching.

Her introspection on the day's events and the curious figure of Helmsworth – the alias under which Link hid under – was abruptly interrupted by a gentle tug on her arm. Looking down, she was greeted by the sight of Jun who managed to sneak past the throng of nobility swarming her path. His youthful energy a stark contrast to the surrounding solemnity. Zelda's face instantly brightened, forgetting the rudeness of the Lord beside her. "You made it? But where is--?"

Before she could finish, Arasmus, a young lord with seeded ambitions clearly reflected in his sharp gaze, defensively pulled the boy back. His action was rough, but careful not to displease the princess or make a scene. In his mind, he and the princess were already entwined, their courtship a mere formality shy of official declaration. To him, sustaining the illusion of them as the lovely couple was of utmost importance, a delicate dance they must perform for the scrutinizing eyes of the public. Like a symphony where every note must resonate in perfect harmony, so too, he believed, the charade of their orchestrated relationship. The anticipated union between their houses was more than a personal triumph; it symbolized a beacon of hope and pride for the people in these uncertain times. A narrative he was determined to uphold.

"Hey, what's the big idea? Let off already, you jerk!" Jun protested, his youthful indignation piercing the usual formalities of the court. "Are you deaf, she obviously knows me! Sheesh!"

"You recognize this little miscreant, princess?" Arasmus asked, his tone dismissive, as he yanked Jun by the collar of his tunic.

"Well, as a matter of fact, I do," Zelda replied, trying to suppress her giggles at Jun's pouty defiance against Arasmus's domineering posture.

"See, told you! Now let off me, will ya?" Jun shot back, glaring at Arasmus.

Zelda, still amused yet curious, inquired, "But, Jun, where is Helmsworth, wasn't he with you?"

"Lin—I mean Helmsworth, is uh, um—" Jun stuttered, awkwardly rubbing the back of his head, scrambling for an excuse. At that moment, a couple chased after Jun as if to intervene with his barging of the procession and a lady's sweet voice broke the tense atmosphere. It was Anjuel, the maid from earlier, with her fiancé following close behind. "Your grace, we came as soon as we could," she said gently. "But we wanted to wait until these esteemed lords and ladies had finished their audience with you before we intruded. But, it seems this young man was quite eager to see you and there was no getting in the way of that. Forgive our intrusion," she said, as if trying to catch up with a wayward son of theirs.

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