46: Rage

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Everyone shudders at the provided information how can someone fall that low just for the throne...??
"So what should we do now....???" It's Jimin who looked towards royal couple with questioning eyes.

"I'm not going to stress my husband for a baby , never ever , if we are not conceiving then there should be some other couple out there who was carrying that destined child , we can just try to find that couple....!!!" Royal alpha says protectively embracing his husband in his arms who just snuggle more into Alpha's chest.

" But don't you think we should proceed for medical check at least for once as it's less then a week to his heat maybe because of recent intimacy time you aren't able to detect any changes in his body or scent....!!" This time Mrs Kim suggest.

" You are right eomma, buy what if we weren't expecting a child yet and he keep it on his heart then...??" This time royal alpha mindlinked his mother in law, he don't want to embarrassed his husband by discussing his private life Infront of everyone.

But what they all missed during their discussion was continuesly changing taehyung orbs color between blueish red( his wolves eye color) and brown (his natural eye color).

Taehyung's wolves murged after his first intimacy with his alpha but we all know his trueblood side again start dominating from past sometime which is something new as the merged wolves never let their week side dominate so easily.

" Don't worry son, I will asked him for checkup personally, I know he will not mind when I will asked him separately in my on way ....!!" Mrs Kim assured him back through mindlink as she knows her son is really sensitivity to such topics and she's also thankful that royal alpha kept such miner details in his mind.


Blood Lust Clan

The moment Adam came back with a nanny to feed Soobin a sudden force pushed him away from the door step of the room and forced him to kneel down on the floor.

He tried his best to pull  his kneeled self up but he felt like his body was under some spell, the close door of the room wasn't allowing him to know the situation inside the room.

The only thing which was noticeable by the time was there wasn't the weeping sounds of the boy but it was silent all around, maybe a silence before the storm.

Inside the room there sit a baby Soobin on the fluffy mattress observing every single detail around him, he sucrenched his nose after getting some anoying scent where his so called father was kneeling, it was clear the scent of Jackson make him feel disgusted.

After observing the room to his likeness, Soobin crolled over the bed and try to jump down using his small legs but being a little baby it was a bit difficult for him to do but somehow he managed to jump down placing his small wobbling legs on soft carpet.

He observed the room once again try to find a way to escape from that disgusted smell in the room which was continuesly abusing his nostrils.

Then his eyes get a glimpse of the ray of light which was coming from outside of the room through a little space like someone forget to close the door properly which was basically the french window in the room which was covering the whole wall of the room to present amazing view of garden.

He slowly crawled towards the ray of right sequiling happily and push his little finger in the small gap from where the light was coming in the room.

The boy then tried to  push his hand between the gap but stop on his place when the glass slides to the side and soft yet cold breeze  blew on his face, the boy smile for the first time after his birth, although the outside view wasn't fascinating as the sky was blood red and covered with a large number of wild crows who was circling around try to catch some pry.

To breath in fresh air the boy crowled out through the french window letting Jackson free from some invisible spell.

Jackson choke on his own breath when he felt like his lungs were finally free to supply the required amount of oxygen to his suffocating body. "Finally that bloody bitch start showing his powers....!!! Jackson says massaging his burning throat and trying to relax his nerves as he was feeling like his body was shivering and he will fell down on his face if he tries to stand on his feet.


Moments later a whimpering Adam came in the room the supposed to be nanny if Soobin was no where in the sight, he bows to Jackson who was gulping water from the jug like he was thirsty for centuries.

"Call the royalties of Bluemoon kingdom or anyone whom you have doubt for being born under witch spell or have sort of spell charms with them, we don't have enough time, we should have to take hurried steps before everything slips out of our hand, organize a celebration party for that mother fuckers birth and try to sediatte him till the time come and we have his leash in our hands, as his power will increase with every passing second."  Jackson says pacing in the room like a madman.

Adam just left the room after getting the order as he also need some time to stable his mind and body as sudden overwhelming power which surrounds him moments ago was more then enough for him, he needs time to function properly anymore.

"That mother fucker forced me to kneel Infront of him, how he dare....!!" Jackson punched the wall  numerous time to control his rage, as it wasn't the time to act on impulse.


Alexandra was looking down in the garden through the glass wall of her room where she have a clear view of little soobin scrunching his nose in dislikenes who was looking aroma everywhere like he was trying to learn and remember each and every nook and corner in the clan or maybe he was more then aware of a pair of eyes who was trying to Pierce his heart just by her stairs and the scene wasn't unnoticeable fron her where everyone was kneeling at their places regardless of their ranks.

If a child of just one day more precisely a child who was born few hours ago hold too much power then what will he do when he got all his powers??

"A few more days my little devil, the night when your powers will be on peak, I will cast my most powerful spell on you and will make you my slave , who will dance on my finger tips....!!!" She mumbled devilishly closing the curtains of her room, as she have to prepared for the largest and strongest prey of her who life.... she's going to snatch the throne from witch queens using their own energy as Jennie's son possesd her powers in his body.

"So it's time to play again my lovely queens but this time it will be me who will set the rules and turn the tables on you....!!!" She thought with a wicked smile turning off the lights of her room, it's time to summon her evil powers.


My apologies for late and boring update....!!!!

I'm trying to wind-up the book as soon as possible but the book is getting long and long....!!!!
Please hold on a little more these boring chapters are going to end soon.

Please Stay safe and Healthy
Have a wonderful day ahead.
Borahae 💜

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