43: Blood Moon

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Please ingnor my mistakes....!!!

Blood Lust Clan:

The night was darker than usual and the silence in the air where indicating  that something going to be happen, something which will change the pattern of their lives.

The question would be raised either this change will be good for them or will destroy each and everything.....???

Either the vampires will get the virtue for which they are preparing for decades or the fruit of their hard work and efforts is meant nothing but disaster...???

Tonight was the night of eclipse, most precisely the night of red moon, the night to whom people considered as the curse. A night which demands the  thirst of blood. But for vampires this night is considered as the blessings as the time came to their next but more powerful king to come into the world, who will rule over three different creatures include werevoles and witches and vampires so that night is going to be a blessing for vampires ....!! But would it be really a blessing for them....????

There was a grand celebration held in blood lust family, each and every individual were drinking and grinding to fulfill their dark desires waiting for the moon to appear in the fullest. Loud music was playing which makes you deaf if you stand their for a little longer.

Away from all the voices, Jackson Wang was roaming inside his throne room waiting for the time when he will hold his son in his hands, he was waiting for the clock to strike at twelve but it looks like time was taking a toll on him.

A faint knock on the door make him halt on his steps.

Adam came inside the court room after getting the consent of Lord Jackson Wang." It's time my Lord to welcome our great king in this world. Lady Anna has already taken to the labor room". Adam informed Jackson about the female alpha carrier of the great unborn king of three worlds.

"Aish, finally...!!! Let's go, I can't wait anymore....!!!" Jackson says leaving the room in hurry.

Finally the moment came for whom he was waiting for more then two decades.



The alpha wolf was screaming out loud, she heard that delivering a baby is painful process but it's a game of kids for alpha females because they have high pain endurance and healing capabilities but today it seems like all the assumption were a lie. The were just myths.....

The alpha female was going through the pain that no one have experienced before her wolf were on surface trying to bring out the baby safely but it felt like all the hopes are dying down with every passing second.

It been half past two in the night, the red moon was still in his highs, all the clan members were waiting for the good news from last three hours but baby wasn't coming out.

Jackson Wang was standing beside his  lady holding her hands, trying to encourage her to push the baby once more but there wasn't any response from the nearly unconscious alpha whose body was covered with blood and sweat.

"Damn it...!!!" Jackson cursed when the female didn't response to his command.

"What are you waiting for you dumbasses....prepare for C-section ", Jackson roared on the medical staff.

"We can't....was can't do C-section at this moment....!!!, She have to push the baby or else we will lose both of them. " Doctors informed in a shivering voice.

Jackson clenched his fist just to control his anger....he can't ruin his efforts of two decades for just two hours.

"Call Alexandra here in just a moment here....!!!" Jackson ordered Adam and turned towards the female alpha.

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